2- 37. Return Of Rin

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RECAP: Short(er) chapter since I'm drained from the last one. But it's an emotional ride, so strap in your seatbelts.

He pursed his lips, squatting down and tracing circles on the top of my hand.
    "Is everything okay? I got off a bit early tonight... I didn't think you'd be up so late."
    I paused.
    Nothing was okay right now. Everything was a mess. I wasn't sure what to tell him.
    "Yeah... Everything's okay."


I woke up to someone poking my cheek lightly, and whispers filling my ear.
"Y/N... Y/N..." I heard them say.
I buried my face into the pillow. "Ngh..."
"Jeez, you've always been such a heavy sleeper." They huffed.

Obviously, the voice belonged to Yukio.

I propped myself up and asked drearily while rubbing an eye, "What is it...?"

He leaned against the back of the couch and said, "Ah. Now I remember that you're not such a morning person," he pinched my cheek.
    "Anyways, I was thinking that we should go out to breakfast. Only if you want to, though."

I pondered it for a moment and made up my mind.
    "Yeah..." I mumbled. "I guess that sounds okay..."
"Good, I thought you would say that. Now get dressed," he smiled as he tousled my hair and walked into his room to give me privacy.
I sighed in exhaustion and put on something lazy, yet somewhat decent and put my hair messily with a few clips.

When I looked at myself in the mirror, I thought:
    Wow. Is this actually how people have been seeing me? I'm surprised no one has called the police and reported me as a zombie.

As I turned around, Yukio came out of his room, also looking prepared for the morning.
    His long coat fell past his knees, though he kept his guns at his side for safety. It made me laugh on the inside, since he kinda looked like Sherlock with a self-defense problem.

He stood directly in front of me and smiled kindly.
    "You look cute."
I looked away feeling embarrassed, mumbling, "Y... Yeah, thanks. Now quit sucking up, you dork."

He found my annoyance amusing and we both left.
For some reason, I had a feeling that today was going to be memorable, and I wondered why.


We arrived at a breakfast restaurant called Yin's and got a table from the waitress—who moreover looked like she wanted to quit her job and take a cruise.

The little shopping center we were in was actually very peaceful, but packed with people at the same time.
Who knew Tuesdays were such a popular day for shopping.

"Drinks?" The waitress asked monotonously.
"Water." Yukio and I said in sync.
     We noticed that and grinned at each other.
The lady rolled her eyes and walked away, seeming as if she didn't like couple-looking people in the restaurant.

We started to laugh and talk with each other, but then we both calmed down a bit and relaxed with silence in between us.
It was nice. Talking with Yukio peacefully, having not to worry about anything.

The memories, Y/N.

Yeah, never mind. I take that back.

"So... Yukio," I grabbed his attention while I took a sip of my bland-tasting drink.
He glanced at me in response.
"I... Have to tell you something."
The boy furrowed his eyebrows. "You sound serious. Did something happen?" He questioned, genuinely concerned.
    I was kind of freaking out on the inside, but I knew that I couldn't show it, or else maybe he'd freak out.
"Well, um..." I began, twiddling my fingers nervously. "While you were away, I–"

And before I could say anything else, I was cut off by the presence of an extremely familiar figure.
Black hair. Fairly lofty. Half deadpanned smile. And...
    That red case.

I immediately stood up in my seat to get a better look of them, but they disappeared into the crowd of shoppers.

"D–Did you see that?" I asked Yukio, while frantically pointing to the window.
    He pushed his glasses up and sighed.
    "Y/N, what are you talking about? Are you avoiding the conversation? What happened while I was away?"
I sat back down slowly, still eyeing the window. "Um... Right. Anyway, I–"

Again, there he is again! Right...
I spotted him once more.
For a second time, I got up from my seat quickly. "Yukio, I–I'll be right back. I'm... Not feeling so good."

I pretended to walk to the bathroom, and while he wasn't looking, I bolted for the exit and pushed my way through the loud chattering people.
No, no, no!
    I panicked, shoving my way through couples, families, and the lone singles.
    I can't lose him...!

I kept making my way through, until I found the store that he was in front of. It was a large building, and one that I was extremely fond of.
Barnes And Noble...? Good choice...

I walked in cautiously and skimmed around the place.
    I was thinking of how long I could spend in the manga section, but realized that I had no time for it.
There were so many people, I didn't know if I could ever find him.

All of a sudden, and hand was placed on my shoulder, making me jump in surprise.   
    But I definitely knew who it was, and I also knew I was screwed.

"Y/N, don't run away like that! You made me so..."
Before he could finish, his eyes widened at someone in front of us. Mine did, too.

It was a tall boy with black hair and a long red case around his back, skimming the spine of a book by Miranda Kenneally called:
Things I Can't Forget.

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