19. Eligos

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Suddenly, to all of our surprise, Rin was interrupted by a familiar voice from the doorway.
"It was tampered with."
Everyone's head shot over to the source of the voice, and sure enough, Yukio held up a tiny capsule of the vaccine.
His expression was full of anger and exasperation, but his eyes told a different story—and we all knew it had to do with me.


Everyone was wordless, seemingly from some sort of tension.
"Yukio... What do you–"
Yukio cut off Shura and said, "Someone really wants Y/N to become a demon." He muttered.
I breathed heavily, trying not to move. "What do you mean?" I asked quietly.
"Someone's out to get you. They don't want you here. To put it simply, they want you to die or never come back. Something along the lines of that." He said bluntly.
Shiemi's expression turned sympathetic, but slightly vexed. "Yukio, why would you say that?"
"Because it's true," He crossed his arms and looked her dead in the eyes.
"Shiemi's right. You're scaring the damn girl, Yukio." Bon defended, stepping forward.
I stood up from the bed calmly and slowly. I got used to being on my feet again, and walked towards Yukio. He turned away, avoiding eye contact. "Hey... Why are you acting like this? You know that I–" I tried to take his hand, but he slapped mine away.

My eyes widened from the surprise, and so did everyone else's.
I had definitely not expected that.
He pushed his glasses up formally. "... I'm going to the academy for a while. I'll be back later." He informed as he strode out carelessly—mindless of what he'd just done.
The class was shaken and confused.
Why is he acting like this?
His behavior, it's... Not like himself.
I immediately felt a hand on my shoulder.
I turned my head to see Rin with a vexed expression. "Don't take it personally. He does this sometimes. But... He hasn't in ages. It's weird, but let him be, okay?"
I hesitated, but nodded slowly in response.
"For now, let's just relax for a little while."


I lay in bed with a full stomach, musing on what Yukio could be doing right now.
I want to go see him... He's never acting like this. Mood swing? Maybe. Hormones? Pfft, he's eighteen.

I turned to my right, to see Shiemi sleeping soundlessly and elegantly on her left side.
Maybe I should sneak out...
I decided to put on some gray, shorts to go with my oversized T-Shirt that Rin gave me, because Shiemi hadn't done the laundry in over three weeks.
It was his blue one that had the number 39 on it and it said Thank You. I didn't bother with shoes, either, and ever since they gave me medicine, I'd felt fine.
  It was weird, but I decided to go with it.

I slid the window open silently and stuck on foot out. She turned over, facing me, which made me freeze in place.
That was close.
I slid out the window and hopped off the roof, landing on my feet which made a weird noise as my skin slapped the pavement.
Now, where would I go if I were... Ah. Wait, that's not even a question.
I sprinted for the woods and wouldn't stop running until I was out of breath.

_Time skip—Brought to you by Levi Ackerman's cleaning skills._

I looked on the left side of the bridge, but he wasn't there.
I looked on the right, and sure enough, he stood up straight, staring out into the body of water. I walked over at an unhurried and calm pace and stood next to him.
Again, no eye contact.
I'd wondered if he even knew I was there.
I leaned on the bridge wall, stretching out my arms.
"Hey..." I began slowly, glancing s him once, but back beyond the bridge that looked out into the large academy. "Why... Did you do that?" I asked abruptly, obviously talking about him slapping my hand away.
"Do what?" He questioned with false innocence.
"Don't bullshit me, Yukio. You know exactly what I'm talking about." I mumbled.
"No. Actually, I don't." He stated bluntly.
"Fine. Let me dumb it down," I began, stepping towards him. "Why are you acting like an asshole? Why did you leave us all alone? And why did you slap my hand away?" I said raising my voice, gazing at him sternly.
He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I gripped his shirt and pulled him down to face me. "Let me repeat myself: Why?" I looked into his beautiful orbs, but he didn't say anything.
I shoved him away harshly, scoffing, "What? Hiding something? What is it that you're so afraid of telling me?!"
Abruptly, he yelled, "Because I found out something that I should have realized a long time ago!"
I poked him in the chest roughly. "Oh, yeah? Was it so bad that you had to change your entire personality in front of all of your friends? So tell me, Yukio, what is it?!"
"I realized that I can never fall in love, okay?!" He said finally, making us both shut our mouths for a few seconds of shock.
"I have too many responsibilities, I don't have time, and frankly, I don't want to. There, are you happy?" He admitted rudely, crossing his arms.
I stared at him for a while until I couldn't take the silence.
"But... You... You said it to me yourself... You said that you... You loved me." I muttered, taking a step back, but wobbling over my feet. "What makes you think that you can't fall in love? You love me, right? So... So what..."
He looked away in shame. "I don't know what to think anymore." He said quietly. "Mephisto... He told me that I shouldn't... And–"
"You listened to that asshole?! Yukio, you told me that you loved me yourself! Was it all fake? An act?" I roared, gripping my shirt where my head would be.
He paused.
It was a long pause—one that made some kind of tense smoke in the air.
"... You never told me it back."
"So you think that you can't love someone without them saying that they love you back? That doesn't mean that they don't!" I cried, feeling tears fight through my eyes—but alas, I tried to hold them back.
"Rin loves you, Shiemi loves you; hell, Shura loves you! Everyone does... Yukio, I... I..."
Things looked blurry.
What... Whats going on with me?
"I... I lov..."
Before I could finish, my legs started to get wobbly again, and I felt dizzy.
As soon as I knew it, my surroundings went dark.



I rushed over to her and cupped my hands around her face. "Y/N?" I panicked. "Y/N, wake up!" I pleaded, my heart pounding out of my chest rapidly.
I lifted her wrist and checked for a pulse.
Thank god. She's okay.
All of a sudden, I heard footsteps towards our direction.
Who could possibly be here at this time? No matter—I need help with her.
I picked her up bridal style and was about to leave, before being stopped by a large, muscular man.
He gazed directly into me, making my heart seem as if it stopped for a moment.
"Hello, Mr. Okumora." He greeted.
The man put his hands on his knees and bent down to my level. "You like what I did to her? It's one of my specialties." He signaled to Y/N, smirking
I pulled her away and backed up. "Who are you? Are to the one who did this?" I asked, eyeing him down.
"Who, me? Why, I feel offended." He joked, but I didn't laugh. "I, young man, am Duke Eligos. One of The Four Sins. An extremely powerful demon." He bowed, then shot back up and smiled deviously.
My eyes widened in anger, yet shock. "You... You can't be. You're obviously a human!" I stated, pointing to his humanoid figure.
He looked down at himself and realized something that I did not. "Oh, this? This is my human form. All demons have it." He chuckled, folding his large arms.
I held Y/N closer to me, seeming overprotective. "But what about that other demon? Your partner... The goat."
He looked confused for a second, and then it came to him.
"Right. Him. He doesn't use his human form often. Not all demons are comfortable with doing so. Though, on the other hand, I'm only doing this so I don't draw attention to myself," He began.
Suddenly, he started to talk in a more hostile and harmful tone and said,
"Anyway, that's not what I'm here for. I came to make a deal with you." He announced.
"I don't make deals with demons." I corrected, furrowing my eyebrows.
"Oh, but you'll love this one!" He poked me in the chest. "You see, I want you to join The Four Sins." He started, making me doubt. "Don't think that I haven't seen your demon side of you," He grinned devilishly.
I paused. "Why in hell would I ever join The Four Sins? I'm no demon; I'm a human. A mortal. What benefit could I ever have?" I looked down at Y/N's beautifully sleeping face.
"I'd know exactly why."
I glanced back up at the big man. "And what is that reason?"
"Because if you don't," He pointed to
Y/N and whispered, "She'll be gone. Forever."
The word "forever" echoed inside my head for minutes on end.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now