14. From A Kiss To Jealousy

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He put his hand up for me to be quiet. "Bullshit." The boy started to storm off, leaving me with three last words. "Don't follow me."

And with that, he walked along the bridge, probably heading for the academy.
    Maybe even the gate.


I walked slowly in guilt back to the dorm and closed the front door behind me quietly.
    All of a sudden, Shima poked his head out from behind the stairwell wall and informed, "Hey, Y/N. We made dinner if you're hungry,"
    I paused. "I am. Thanks for telling me." I mumbled with my back hunched and my hands in my pocket.
    He paused for a moment. "Yeah... You good, Y/N?" He asked with a bit of concern in his tone, making me stop for a moment.
    "Don't worry about me. I'm fine." I reassured as I walked passed him, up the stairs, and headed to the kitchen.
I could feel Shima's gaze burning a hole through the back of my head from behind me.
    "Y/N! We made–" I ignored Shiemi's greeting and sat down quietly with my voice wordless.
    I could feel her glance at Yukio with confusion.
    They all sat down at the table and Yukio placed a bowl of soup in front of me. I started to eat and tried not to make eye contact with anyone.
    "Y/N, have you seen the asshat anywhere? He owes me–"
    "No clue." I interrupted Bon, taking a bite of food unsuspectingly.
    Izumo eyed Shiemi, Shiemi eyed Yukio, and Yukio eyed Shima—probably thinking about what was up with me and passing the message along the table.
    Thinking that I wouldn't notice, Shima leaned into Yukio and said, "She's been acting like this since she came back into the dorms from outside. I think–"
    Before he could finish, I glared at him which made him stop.
    I sat up from the table harshly, making it shake. "It's probably about time for me to go." I began, looking at the clock. "It's been way past an hour." I said as I left the kitchen, Yukio following worriedly.
    "Y/N, wait!" He pleaded, but I kept on walking until I got out the font door and I stood in the middle of the bridge wordlessly.
    He caught up to me and put a hand on my shoulder, but I shook it off.
    "Call Mephisto to take me home." I demanded nonchalantly.
    "But Y/N–"
    "Now!" I repeated harshly, turning around to face him.
    "No!" He refused, grabbing my arm as I flinched. "I'm not letting you leave again!" My eyes widened, leaving my face with a shocked expression. "Please... Don't leave. I... I want you... To stay." He put his hands in my shoulders and gazed into me with glassy eyes.
    I averted my view. "... I can't. My aunt will find out where I am. She'll come here and take me away, anyways..." I hung my head my vision seemed to get .
    "I'm not letting you go," He pulled me into a heated embrace and squeezed my shoulder. "I don't want you to get hurt," His concern faded and he said, "I promise I will never leave again, no matter what. I'll do anything to make you stay..." He pulled away slowly to find me with tears streaming down my face without any expression. "Y/N...?" He worried.
    My chin started to quiver and I put my hands in my face. "I'm sorry. I w–won't leave ... I... I want t–to stay with you...! And Rin... And th–the class." I sank to my knees and wiped the salty fluid off my face. "P–Please... Just don't leave ever again..." I begged.
    He smiled, taking my hands into his and pulled me up lightly, looking deeply into my E/C eyes.
    "Y/N..." He placed my hand on his heart. "I'll never leave again," He placed his hands on my neck and made me look up at him. "Because I love you." He whispered.
    He placed his soft and tender lips on mine. The wind picked up and blew our hair out of our faces. My eyes widened as he kissed me, and I quickly pulled away from the couple–second kiss.
His expression was filled with confusion, and even hurt. "I–I'm sorry! I just, Rin, he, um—no—I mean–ah... I just don't know what to think anymore!" I growled in ignorance as he took my hands and held them softly.

"Y/N, tell me what's going on–"

"Yukio..." I heard a familiar voice.
Yukio and I turned our heads to see Rin standing there in anger and confusion.

"Rin..." The boy's eyes were as wide as can be, and something in him showed utter shock. "How... How long have you been standing there?" Yukio stuttered as his hands slipped out of mine.

"I came back to apologize..." Rin growled, gesturing to Yukio. "And found you kissing her!" He roared, seeming ready to hit something.
    "Rin–" He cut me off by grabbing Yukio by the shirt and lifting him up.
    "You bastard! You knew that I loved her! I told you!" He cried, placing him down harshly and shoving his shoulder.
    My heart tore into pieces when I heard those words. Had Yukio really known...?
    "Rin... Let go..." I pleaded quietly, afraid to even take one step close.
    I've never seen him like this before. It's like he's a completely different person.
    He was...
He continued to yell at Yukio while the twin tried to pull his hand off from his shirt collar, but Rin was too strong.   
    "Rin!" I cried as tears threatened to leave my eyes.
    They both shot their heads over to my shattering figure, who was on her knees in fear.

Rin realized that he lost control and set down Yukio softly, where he ran over to me and pulled me up, holding me in a protective and tight embrace.
    "You scared her, Rin! You know that she's never seen you like that before!" Yukio remarked.

"Y–Y/N..." Rin mumbled under his breath, completely regretting his actions.   
"I–I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare–" He tried to put a hand on my shoulder, but Yukio pulled me away.
    "The last thing she needs right now is you, Rin." Yukio said, almost forbidding me to even look at the demon.
    Rin didn't know what to say. He couldn't apologize, knowing that wouldn't be enough.

The young man who held me dragged me away closely, leading me to the bedroom he shared with his brother and placed me down on his bed gently.
    To get me to relax, he told me to lay down as he squatted next to the bed and stroked my hair.
    "Close your eyes, Y/N. Relax." He muttered kindly, making my whole body feel weak.
    The sweetness of Yukio's words made me sleep, but the danger I knew Rin had kept me awake internally.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now