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After the the battle with The Devil himself, Aurthur A. Angel was arrested and charged for attempted murder, putting citizens in danger, and letting unauthorized specimen into the academy. I'm sure there was a lot more, but I didn't really have much interest in that.

My father, Mephisto, had a word with me later about being my father, things about Hana, and about my aunt, in which she would later be arrested for child and alcohol abuse.
    I knew he couldn't be a father to me, and that was okay. I didn't need him to be. His relieved smile was all I needed to see to know that he was at peace with himself, ending the battle between his own internally.
    And Shura... Well, knows what happened with her. Suddenly she felt like babysitting wasn't her forte, and she had left to seek out her own life she could pursue without the thought of exorcism or us kids to bother her. It was a great sight to see—her waving us down with a smile as she was escorted away to who knows where in that hideous pink limousine.

The academy never seemed happier after knowing that dangerous demons and spirits were off the grounds, asking each other about witnessing it and such, which I bet less than half of the school even did, but that was besides the point.

Everything was okay. Everything was back to normal.
Nobody changed for the worse, thank goodness.

And as the morning sun beamed down on the two boys that sat on each side of me on the ledge of the bridge, the small gusts of wind blew the hair out of our faces, and the leaves of the trees could be heard rustling even so.
    "After all of this," I began, glancing at both boys with a silly grin. "You think the class will want to stay here?"
    Rin laughed, and Yukio smiled.
    "I may barely still know the class," he began, nudging my shoulder with his, "but I'm really getting there. It's like I still know them, in some way. And I doubt they're going to want to be reminded about this stupid place."
    Yukio's smile turned solemn. "Although..." he gazed out into the pink-orange sky, taking a moment for another breath. "The bridge, the forest, the dorms," he turned his head to me. "First times... I think I want to remember all of it."
    I sighed, looking out to where he was before.
    "Yeah. I guess I do, too."

Silence passed through the three of us, feeling the wind rustle our clothes once more, and the flowers of the academy dance among the rhythm.

This was what I called home for a little while, and that's what I may always do.

"Yukio," I said suddenly, and glanced to him, then put my left hand on his right. "Rin," I looked at him, too, mirroring my previous action.
    As my eyes gleamed brightly, I said with all my heart, "Thank you."
   Rin raised an eyebrow. "For what?"
   I shrugged smugly, grinning. "Everything."
    I could feel the soft gaze of Yukio, and the sweet touch of Rin as they heard what I said, responding without words to comprehend.

The answer was better left none.

Before one of them could cut in, we heard a call from the other side of the bridge.


We turned to see Ryuji, Shiemi, Shima, Konekomaru, and Izumo standing together.
Shiemi waved happily to us, and Shima seemed to have been lecturing Izumo about something like he always had, while Kone stayed close to Bon as if to never leave.
    "You losers going to join us or what?" Bon shouted again, gesturing to come over with his hand.
    I nodded as we three hopped off the edge of the bridge and back onto the ground with the help of each other, then ambling over towards the class.

All of them were smiling. Not one of them frowned, nor glared.
    They all stood together confidently, awaiting us patiently for to come.

Though, in the corner of my eye where nobody else noticed, Amaimon leaned against a tree as he, too, smiled at me—just me. Not fully, but halfway.

And maybe—just maybe, everything would be okay now.

Because it was good enough for me.


It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now