2- 36. Take Them Back

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RECAP: This is quite a long-ish chapter. Strap in ya seat belts.

And that was only verse one. I had a lot more to go to defeat this bastard.
    Before I could continue my next one, he stopped me.
    "Miss Y/N, I do recall telling you something important that I might have to repeat right now before we get into this 'fight'."
    I stayed quiet for a response.
    "Demons can't die, remember?"



I woke up breathing rapidly and had tears streaming down my cheeks. Amaimon kneeled next to me with a worried expression.
    "God, are you okay? You completely passed out." He informed, stroking my hair soothingly.
I was shaking in realization of what just happened.
    Everything... I remembered it all. Amaimon, that Vatican HQ, True Cross Academy, Mephisto, the demons, Yukio, the entire class, and... Rin.
    "Y/N, what happened? You look like you just saw someone get hit by a bus."
    Tears started to well up in my eyes as I retrospected on that day. Rin's death—his sacrifice... It all replayed in my head.
    "M–My..." I began hesitantly, looking straight into his eyes and holding his arms tightly. "Memories—the past... I–I have them all back. You, the class, Yukio, and... Rin." I hadn't noticed it, but the tears had made their way out of my eyes.

His eyes widened, watching the fluid stream down my face as I threw my arms around him.
    "I hate it! Take them back—please... I don't want my memories...!" I sobbed, leaving marks on his shirt.
    He stayed silent for a few moments, running his fingers through my hair softly.
    "Don't say that," he muttered quietly, placing a sweet kiss on my head for only a second.
"Please, take them back... J–Just try! I don't want to remember Rin's death... T–Take them back..." his gentle touch soothed me, and I calmed down slowly.
    "You're going to want those memories back once I take them," he smiled slightly, while standing up and lending me a hand. "But either way, you can't make me do it."
I sniffled and took his hand while he pulled me up.
    All of a sudden, I felt light-headed and almost fell over, but Amaimon luckily caught me. "I thought I told you to never mix up the beer with your water?" He joked, trying to lighten me up.
"Amaimon..." I mumbled, gripping his shirt and gazing into his eyes with drowsiness.
    He looked away for a moment, his cheeks going red.
    "Just... Please take me to the couch." I pleaded tiredly, my knees feeling somewhat weaker as I kept and kept on seeing past memories appear in my mind.
    He glanced back at me.
    "Jeez, Y/N..."

And just like that, he threw me over his shoulder and plopped me down on the couch.
    And this point, I didn't care what he did. I just needed rest.
    "Thanks..." I mumbled sleepily.
    He shrugged and gave me a soft blanket. "Yeah, whatever. Don't think I'm going too soft," he scoffed. "Just get some rest. I'll be here," he said as he pulled up a chair and sat down.
    I moaned in response and turned over on my side.
Now... What would I explain to Yukio?


After hours of sleep, I finally awoke.

The chair that Amaimon sat in was now empty, and I could hear the wind blow inside the apartment from the balcony.

I spotted a slim figure sitting on the balcony fence.
     I knew it was Amaimon just by how his posture was.

Who else would it be, anyways?
I sat up and rubbed my eyes so make sure I wasn't actually dreaming.
    Obviously, I wasn't, so I quietly made my way onto the balcony and leaned against the barrier next to the strange demon.
A while of silence washed through both of us until I spoke up.
    "I... Didn't know you'd still be here..."
    "Why wouldn't I?" He asked monotonously.
    I pursed my lips. "Just thought you'd get bored."
He didn't really say anything after that.
I guess he'd had a lot to go through right now.
    "Can you tell me... How's the class? Have you visited them lately?"
    He sat up straight and sighed. "They're fine. Though, I don't necessarily 'visit' them. I just... Check on them. For your sake."
    I closed my eyes and let the night air blow my hair out of my face. The illuminated city looked beautiful from the balcony—but it couldn't compare with the rooftop.
    "Thank you. I wish I could repay you somehow... But I don't have money." I shrugged. "I'm broke."
He glanced at me, and came off the barrier.
    I turned to him, and he towered over me from heights.

He stared straight into my eyes and said barely under a whisper, "I don't want money, Y/N." He leaned down slightly, making me freeze.
    "W... Well, whatever you want... I'll get it for you..." I said, feeling slightly intimidated by his height.
Apparently I didn't pick up what he was putting down, for he laughed, slightly irritated with himself.
    He gripped the barrier, looking down. "My god, Y/N... I'm not talking about an object."
    I furrowed my eyebrows, putting my hands behind my back and stepping closer.
    "I don't understand..."
    He slowly turned his head to the sky, refusing to look at me.
    "You, Y/N." He barely said, but I could make it out.
    My mind went blank for a second. "I... What do you want from me...? I... I don't get what you're..."
He turned his head swiftly to me.
    "I know you don't understand, Y/N." He propped himself up with his hand on the barrier, covering his face with his hand.
    "You drive me crazy..."
Suddenly, I knew what he meant.

My face went cherry, and I waved my hands in front of me.
    "Um! I–I..."
    He stepped closer to me, placing his hand on my jaw and towering over me in height.
    "So Yukio's already kissed you, huh...?"
    I was mentally panicking, very, very severely. "I... I mean, he—no, I mean... Yukio, um..."
Amaimon traced his thumb across my lips slowly as everything seemed to be quiet on the balcony, all expect for the car horns down below and the sound of tires against the street.
    I could hear him heavily breath while he leaned in as I shut my eyes closed tightly, awaiting for him to do something.
After a few moments, nothing happened.
I opened my eyes to find him still gazing into me, but with a half-smile, then ruffling my hair.
    "I know you don't want to kiss me. You don't have to tell me twice."
    Though I never did, I sputtered out, "Th–That's not what I... I don't um—if, um–"
    He sighed, running his fingers through his hair and patting me on the shoulder. "Relax, Y/N," he started, walking back into the tiny apartment and plopping down on the couch with a sigh.
    "I wasn't going to... You know."
    I puckered my lips, sitting down next to him as a wave of silence washed over us.
It was peaceful. I liked it.
    I felt a wanting to get closer to Amaimon (in a pure manner). He looked tired. But not physically—almost emotionally.
I knew I'd said things to him in the past the I merely regret, but I knew those were all in the past now. He was a good guy, really.
    Especially now. There was something about Amaimon.
As I stared at his blank gaze to the balcony, I realized that he really was one of the only people who had a special place in my heart.
    I felt as if I should have said something.   
    Maybe now, I could...
    "Amaimon..." I mumbled slowly, making us both turn our heads to each other, locking contact.

A few seconds of silence grew, and before either of us could say anything, I heard the apartment door hinge unlock, and somebody step inside.

It's 4:00AM...?
    I wondered why Yukio was home so early.
    When I glanced to my left to tell Amaimon Yukio was back, he was already one step ahead of me.
Amaimon was gone, and all that I saw was the balcony door slightly slid open, and the curtains be blown by the wind outside.
"Y/N?" I heard someone say, making me turn.
    Yukio stood looking somewhat professional, placing down his briefcase and giving me a look.
    "Why are you up so late?" He questioned, walking over and giving me a hug that I didn't hesitate to return.
    "I..." I began, glancing at the balcony. "I couldn't sleep."
He pursed his lips, squatting down and tracing circles on the top of my hand.
    "Is everything okay? I got off a bit early tonight... I didn't think you'd be up so late."
    I paused.
    Nothing was okay right now.

Everything was a mess. I wasn't sure what to tell him.
    "Yeah... Everything's okay."

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now