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A/N: for all those hardcore Amaimon stans out there, you're welcome.

"This is the only time I'll let you sneak out on my watch again. Come see me at the bridge tonight at around 11:00. Make sure no one sees you, especially Four-Eyes and McAsshole.
– Amaimon"
was what I got this afternoon from on top of my bed. My window was open when I walked in the room and saw the small letter on my bed, and I smiled, because I knew exactly who it was from.
It's not like I was expecting it, but who else would it be? A random student on the academy grounds who wanted to confess there love?
Fortunately, no. The giveaway was the handwriting, and well, his name at the end.

Luckily for me, Yukio and Rin were heavy sleepers. Sneaking out is a piece of cake. Kind of. Except for that one time, but that was one time.
Anyways, Amaimon usually got me home quietly and safely.

Not like I'd seen him recently, though.

Unfortunately, we almost became irrelevant to each other. I was busy with the class, and who knew what Mother Nature was doing.

I guess tonight was to find out what that was.


I quietly hummed a gentle song to myself as I ambled slowly to the bridge, my bare feet making no noise as they hit the walkway pavement.
The night was warm and almost perfect.
    It seemed as if it whispered sweet things to me, but it was only the half-silent rustles of the leaves. And the stars felt like they watched me as if they were looking out, making sure no harm was to come my way.
    I breathed with a smile I couldn't help as I took the fresh air in huffed it out, feeling the blanket of the night wrap around me.

My admiring didn't last long, for I saw Amaimon leaning on the bridge and looking beyond.
I didn't walk up to him yet.
He seemed so serene. So relaxed, it was almost scary.
But it also made me realize that he wasn't just a demon. Sure, he could be pervy and unkind at some times, but he was still him.
He was still human in a way.

"I know you're there, Y/N," he suddenly said monotonously, making me jump.
    "Oh!" I squeaked with embarrassment, rubbing my neck awkwardly. "Sorry. I wasn't, like... You know, being weird or anything..."
    He shook his head with a half smile and stood up straight from leaning, glancing to the side. "Relax. I know you weren't."
I sighed with relief, finally walking up to him and putting my hands behind my back as he faced beyond the bridge again.
    "I, um... Got your note." I said, rocking back on my heels and puckering my lips to the side as I watched him stare off.
    "Wow. Really?" He asked sarcastically, seeming as to still not make eye contact with me.
    I mentally slapped myself and chuckled lightly, feeling a stupid smile form on my lips. "Well... I don't know. I guess what I'm trying to say is to ask why you sent me it," I said, twiddling with my shirt. "I mean, I talked to Mephisto about most things. He basically said you're off the hook. And I know Yukio doesn't hate you, so–"
    "That's not what you're here for,
L/N." He said firmly, using a tone I hadn't heard from him before. Let alone, use my last name.
    I froze for a moment. "Oh..."
His eyes showed pain as he bit his lip with frustration and gazed up into what lay upon the sky. A huff escaped from his lips as he ran his hand through his hair, hesitating to say something.
    "I'm going, Y/N."
It's a joke.
    "I'm leaving. You know how I feel about this place."
I'm just kidding. I'm not leaving you, silly.
    I wanted him to say that it wasn't true.
    "Amaimon..." I muttered, feeling something horrible inside of me. It lingered there, and I hated it. "Stop joking. This isn't funny."
Though I didn't look into his eyes, I knew he longed at me, but then glanced away.
"I'm not joking... Really."
    The bad feeling inside of me worsened, and my heart ached.
It was that fluttering feeling you got from looking at something beautiful—but it got to a point where staring made it hurt.
"Why?" I mumbled, holding my hands together tightly and forcing myself to hold in what I wanted to express.
Don't leave.
    Please, please don't.
    I want to do so much more with you.
    "I can't stand this place. You know that I–"
    "You're lying."
    He paused. "I'm not–"
    "If you couldn't stand this place, you would have left a long time ago." I managed to sputter out as the lump in my throat formed, and I decided to look at him again, except he still wouldn't do the same.
    "Look at me," I said quietly, trying to get his attention.
    He didn't say a word, and kept silent.
    I tried to take hold of his hand as I begged, "Amaimon, look at me,
    "I'm leaving because I can't stand the thought of you with somebody else because I love you!" He yelled, pulling his hand away from me quickly.
My eyes glossed over and shimmered in the moonlight as he held his wrist, gazing into me with pain.
    "Every time I see you with Yukio and Rin—it bothers me so fucking much."
    I tried to mutter out, "Amaimon...—"
    "I'm not human. I can't ever make you smile like that, or laugh like that—I'm even making you cry right now! I can't, I just can't..."
    He closed his eyes shut tightly in annoyance of himself, rubbing his temples evenly.
    "I can't see you being taken away from me." He said almost silently. "So please, let me go."
    I took his hand again, and he tried to pull away, but I didn't let him as I shook my head. "No."
    "Y/N, I swear–"
    "Amaimon," I began, finally able to gaze into his lovely eyes with him doing to back, making sure he knew I meant every word that I was about to say.
    "You may be annoying sometimes, and a little dense. And pervy..."
    "Watch it." He said firmly in defense.
    "And biologically you're not human..." I continued with a stutter, almost afraid of saying that.
    "But you are, in a way. You look beyond what's ahead of you so calmly, and you've always been so lovely in my eyes, even when no one else saw it."
    "Y/N..." He mumbled, taking my other hand as I then squeezed both is his.
    "I realized that you're just as human as me."

The only thing that could be heard to me was his hitching breath, and the sound of the wind and the trees, and it was though the dark sky had almost seemed to become just a little bit lighter.
    "S-So I don't care if you're not really human. That doesn't mean I can't..." I hesitated and bit my lip. "That doesn't mean that I can't love you back."
    "Y/N, please–"
    "A-And when you said at the apartment on the balcony that you knew I didn't w... Want to kiss you..." I sputtered our nervously, my face heating up.
    "It wasn't true at all."
That was all it took to make him kiss me quickly and gently, placing my hands on his shoulders as he still held them kindly.
    The kiss only lasted for a moment for he pulled me into an embrace, holding me lovingly and tightly.
I wrapped my arms around him in exchange pleading softly, "Please don't leave, Amaimon. Please
    He squatted down before me, taking my hands into his again, then smiled sweetly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and caressing my cheek with his thumb.
    "I'm not," he said quietly, his full smile turning soft. "Because you're my reason to stay."

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