2- 28. A Memory?

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RECAP: Sorry this is such a short chapter, I just couldn't continue with something new after this chapter's ending or else the chapter would get way too long. I will make the next one longer!

For some reason... I had to believe him. It feels like I've known him for a long time; like an old friend.
     My frown turned into something more gentle.
"You must have really loved the old me, huh?"
He took a long pause.
"You have no idea."


After he said that, I was wordless. Something inside me made me want to snap at him, but at the same time, I felt... Pitiful.
    "W–Well... I'm sorry." I apologized abruptly.
    "For what?"
    "For not... Being the old me. I can tell that you really did like her. But... I'm not her, am I?" I faked a small laugh.
    A few seconds of awkward silence passed until his frown turned into a cute smile. "It's not your doing." He held out a hand for me to take. "Now, will you come with me?"
    Hearing him say that so softly and tenderly made a blush form on my cheeks.
    "Wh–Where are we going?" I questioned, genuinely curious.
    "Well, you need a place to stay. I'm not going to your apartment everyday to visit you now, am I? For all we know; that's not even your apartment. And adding to that, you barely know who you are. It's better to know and be close to someone who does."
    Well... He has a point.
    I slowly took his hand and we enlaced fingers. His gentle touch gave me a safe and warm feeling inside.
I wish I hadn't accepted this so easily. He could be dangerous, but...
     I guess I really don't have anything to lose.
We started to walk down the busy streets of the city and stayed quiet.
Suddenly, I decided to break the silence and ask, "So... Where am I going to stay? Will there be other people there? Maybe people... That my previous self knew?"
    His hand tightened it's grip. "You're going to be staying at my place," he responded, sounding somewhat nervous. "And, yes... There will be people you know. Or... Used to, at least."
    "Oh..." I mumbled. "How, um... How long has it been since I—or my old self—have seen them? Or you, for that matter?" I asked.
    He took a long time to respond. "A little less than a year." He seethed and started to walk faster.
    "Wow... It's been a while, huh?" I said with a shy smile.
Maybe seeing them might bring my memories back?
    Who knows. All we can do is hope and stay positive.


We had been walking for about two hours, but he walked so fast, that he was practically dragging me behind him.
A few seconds later, I spotted a small park about a block ahead of us.
    "H–Hey, mister?" I pulled him back to stop. "Can we please... S... Stop to rest at that park or something? You've been walking r–really fast," I panted.
"S–Sorry, I didn't notice. And call me Yukio, please, Y/N." He said as he led me to the entrance of the park.
We walked in, and I gasped at how beautiful it was.
    There were Cherry Blossoms and astonishing green Willow trees. The grass was so well grown, and the flowers bloomed in patches.
     There was a stone path that led to a few wood benches, and a gravel path that led to a small pond with Swans and other various ducks.
    The sun shined through the trees, making it all the more an incredible sight.
I ran over to the pink flowers and put my hands on my knees to take a good look at them.
    "Look at how pretty they are! And those red ones over there... I just can't take in how amazing this park is!" I exclaimed as if I'd never been outdoors before.
    I walked around the patch of flowers and skimmed through them happily. But there was one flower that caught my eye.   
It was a familiar blue one.

It seems as if it's important...
As soon as I touched one, something unexpected happened.
    Visions ran through my head all at once—
"He always gave me these blue flowers from a garden far away."
    "Y/N, promise me you will find your father again. Go back to..."
    An image of a weird looking man twirling the blue flower leaning against a pink limo with unidentifiable person standing next to him played in my head.
    I heard whispers and I could hear myself screaming a promise until...
It... It all stopped. I was back in reality.

I dropped the blue flower that I picked up onto the ground and was almost shaking from shock.

What... What the hell was that?
"Y/N, are you okay?" Yukio asked eagerly and put a hand on my shoulder. "Have you... Have you remembered something, maybe?"
    I paused, staring at the flower that lay on the ground.
    "... Of course not."

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now