2- 46. Bounties On Loved Ones

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He stood up and wiped away my tears with his fingers. "I promise that no one will get in our way. And although I may not be the loving jerk that I was..."
    His gentle hands caressed my back and he pulled me in for a gentle embrace.
    "I think I love you. And I'm not going anywhere."


I awoke soundlessly, feeling the pressure of someone else's breathing under me.
I lifted myself up a bit and rubbed my eyes to see Rin directly under my figure–his exhaling soft.
It took my mind a few seconds to process what our position was, and nonetheless, my face went a shade of red I didn't believe to exist.
My legs on either side of his hips... Did I fall asleep on his chest fully clothed? Well, we do share to couch...
Though I was simply a little flustered, it made me smile, and I don't have a clue of why.
Then, I started to remember last night.
"Who are you doing this for?!"
"I promise that no one will get in our way."
"I think I love you. And I'm not going anywhere."
The old words made my silly grin go away, and replace it with an unmoved look while I touched the cheek of his peacefully sleeping features gently.
"You're an idiot..." I whispered, leaning down swiftly and burying my face into the boy's neck.

"Good morning, Y/N." A familiar voice said abruptly, making me jump, thus falling off of Rin and onto the hardwood floor head-first.
"Gee, that's the second time, dammit..." I mumbled, rubbing the back of my head and wincing.
Yukio gasped and bolted over to me. "Y/N, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he apologized, helping me up from the ground as I laughed a little from the embarrassing fall.
"I'm totally fine, don't worry about m–" I got cut off suddenly by realization of something. "Me..." I finished hesitantly.
Yukio didn't have his glasses on, and his hair was pushed back with what looked like one of Rin's old clips.
"Why do you look like that? Are you going somewhere today?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side with a squint.
He seemed genuinely confused. "Huh? No–"
I snapped my fingers, "Wait! Don't tell me... You met a girl? Hm... Oh, oh! You have to go to a really fancy meeting and you're getting yourself ready?" I asked quickly, feeling that I had known my facts well.
"Y/N, no–"
I inhaled loudly with agony, "Wait, wait, wait! No, no! You're not sick, are you?! Yukio!" I got on my tiptoes and embraced his body tightly, including his arms, then cupped his cheeks while scanning his body furiously. "Yukio, you should have told me! Do you need anything? Water? Soup? Coffee?"
"Y/N!" He shouted, making me shut up. His hands then cupped my cheeks as he said, "I'm fine, okay? Why are you worrying so much?"
I paused. "I–I don't know... Maybe because I haven't really..."
He laughed, "Talked to me that much? Yeah, I know. That's on me. I've been so busy."
My worries faded and I looked away. "Yeah."
He fell silent and thought for a moment. "Y/N, can I–"
But unfortunately he had got cut off by a slight yawn.

"Could you guys be any louder?" Rin scoffed as he sat up and scratched his nape.
"S–Sorry, Rin. I didn't mean to wake you." I said apologetically.
He stood up and hummed while putting his hand on my opposite shoulder, then also squinting at Yukio like I did. "Where's your nerd spectacles? And what's with the grandma hair clip?"
"R–Rin!" I stuttered with concerning, feeling bad that Yukio might have took offense to that.
"What? Jeez, you're too nice, Y/N." He said with a huff and made his way to the fridge.
Yukio frowned. "Just so you know, you also used to wear clips, Rin."
Rin turned around with his mouth full of grapes, "Hence 'used to'."
What's with him today?
If he's trying to be the sweet jerk that he used to be, he's not including the "sweet" and moreover just coming off as an asshole.
Suddenly, the apartment doorbell rang and we all strode over to get it; Rin being the first to do so.
He unlocked the chain and opened the door slowly, only to reveal someone I felt like I hadn't seen in ages, even though it wasn't.

"Amaimon? What are you–"

Though, before I could finish, Rin blocked me by his arm.
"Get the hell out of here, Mother Nature," he retorted.
"Rin, for the last time! Stop–"
"Rin." Yukio cut in.
The boy turned his head to the gunslinger.
"Let him talk to her. Y/N, we'll be by the terrace." Yukio informed as he dragged the irate demon out.
After a few seconds of silence, I stepped into the door archway to face him.
We stared each other in the eyes, and knew what we were both thinking.
"It's been a while." We said in unison, sounding deadpanned, yet flustered.
"Listen, Y/N–"
I put my hand up. "Don't apologize. That's the last thing I want to hear right now."
"I know, but really, I am–"
"Amaimon. The reason why I'm not letting you apologize for being at trial, or anywhere for that matter, is because it was my idea. It's not your fault, so just... Don't apologize for something that isn't your doing." I stated firmly.
He paused.
"Okay. I won't. But... That wasn't the only thing I came here for."
My eyes widened. "Oh. Then..."
He reached for his phone and took it out, then seemed like he was trying to find something.

A few seconds past before he hesitated on something.

"Is everything okay?" I asked with concern.
He held up his phone in my face, and what I saw made all the life in me deteriorate.
"If you count this as 'okay', then yeah, everything is just dandy."
The words held up in my face were bounties.
Bounties on Shiemi, Bon, Izumo, Konekomaru, and Shima.
Even Rin and Yukio.
But the highest bounty...
Was me.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now