2- 43. Trial Awaits

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But whatever Sir Angel was talking about, I'd find out.

As we exited, I gave a backwards glance to Amaimon who avoided eye contact, and then shot my gaze over to Sir Angel.
His smile is one that made my heart burn furiously to these hours. One that said:
This isn't over just yet.


After a sleepless night on the couch with Rin sprawled out lazily on the floor still out like a light, I decided to get up earlier than usual.

9:03AM? So much for sleeping in.

I went to the tiny little kitchen that connected with the small living area I slept in, and unintentionally shifted my eyes over to the apartment door, spotting a small white envelope.
     Walking over to it, I also heard Yukio's door open, and footsteps head towards my location while I picked up the envelope.
     Unfortunately, I knew it was from the academy's authorities since there was a red mark holding down the seal with a  red TCA on it.

"Crap..." I cursed under my breath, clenching the mail in my hand.
A half-dressed Yukio strode in and asked tiredly, "What is it?"
I sighed in frustration, tossing the mail to him.

He skimmed it for a minute, then noticed the red mark I did previously.
I leaned against the kitchen wall.
"I know."
He crossed him arms and thought for a moment, whilst looking at the object.
"Read it aloud."

I grunted, but then accepted my fate in the reading of the possible punishment for barging in on the Grigori the night before.
I cleared my throat.
"To Miss L/N and the two Okumoras,
Last night, Miss L/N broke into the court hall with an once-allied demon who had been no longer allowed on the academy's property. For her disturbance and unnecessary actions, we and the Grigori expect an apology this afternoon at 11:00AM, sharp.
     Sir Angel will also be there to listen, and once Miss L/N is done, she is free to leave unless anyone has something to protest against her, which is not merely restricted.
We know to see you soon.

True Cross Academy Authorities."

In that moment, I knew I was done for.

I can barely say thank you, and now I have to apologize for a huge mess I made...? This may or may not end up in the city court if I even screw up just a little.

Yukio snapped me out of my thoughts and said, "This would have never happened if I had kept an eye on you... Again..."
I huffed in annoyance.
"You don't need to keep an eye on me. I can handle myself, you know."
He raised his voice a little too loud.
"Clearly, that's not true. And I really don't want to be putting door alarms in here after dark."
I clenched my fists and said, "You don't need to, I only snuck out to do what I had to! I know you want to do the same for Rin, but obviously, something is stopping you from doing so!"
"That's not true, and you know it. I want to do the same except–"
"Except what?! There's no backing out of this! There's something going on with you—I can just tell!"
"Well maybe if you would stop sneaking out at night like an angsty teenager, it would appear less of that!"
"Well, maybe I wouldn't sneak out if you could only just try harder to get his memories back!" I retorted.
"But sometimes, I can't—in fact, I'm busy today with a mission, so I won't be accompanying you. Is that what you wanted to hear? Another excuse to use against me?"

But before I could even object back at him, Rin appeared leaning in the doorway arch without a shirt but looking like he had been up for hours, having noticed the bags under his eyes.

"Leave her alone, would you? I'll take her there—you do what you need to," he said casually, strolling over and putting an arm around my shoulders.
The gunslinger scoffed an unpleasant "whatever" and decided to head out with a slam of the door and no goodbye.
"Tsk. He really gets on my nerves sometimes," I said with vexation, gripping the edge of the kitchen counter.
Rin's arms slid from off my body and questioned as if it was no big deal, "Thought' you two were a thing?"
I sighed.
"N–No. I don't know—maybe... But... I may be starting to..." I stared into Rin's eyes as he stared back into mine. "N–Never mind. Anyway, get dressed, we leave in an hour or two." I said quietly, turning away from his gaze and striding past his figure.

Well, today is going to be full of unnecessary apologies and embarrassment.
    I can already hear my courage taking a swan dive off a cliff.


As soon as I knew it, we were entering the court hall and walking to the large room silently, side by side.
For one reason or another, Rin had brought his Kona sword with him.
But why—?
"Y/N," Rin said abruptly as we arrived at the giant doors, stopping in his tracks, which made me do the same.
"Yeah...?" I replied, glancing into his eyes.
He paused for a moment.
"I read the letter from the authorities. But just so you know, even if anyone has anything to object against you..."
He made me look directly into his soul.
"No one has the right thing lay even a finger on you—I'll make sure of that. You're safe, okay? I'll be right next to you."

That's why he brought the sword... But at the same time it seems unnecessary... Yet it was reassuring.

Rin opened the door slowly, only to reveal an extremely large crowd of people.

Why are they all here? Are they here to watch?

And at that moment, I saw a beefy looking man in the sitting crowd holding a newspaper with a headline that read:
A restricted demon breaks into the court house with a well-known young lady. Blatantly found a caught; their trial takes place in the early afternoon.

I knew Rin had spotted it, too.

Knowing that the headline was only a little off from the truth, his expression turned into rage, but luckily I was there to reassuringly tug his shirt to signal it was okay.

So that's how they all found out.

The room turned silent, and only a few whispers could be heard.
As I stepped on the pedestal with Rin beside me, with his gentle hand on my back, I was ready for any objections that awaited me.
And as I scanned the Gigori, who I found was more absurd and nerve wracking than surprising.
Sir Angel gave me a nefarious grin.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now