2- 51. A Group Of Six + Ending Poll

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(I can't believe I'm already planning the ending oh my lord.)


• Sad, beautiful ending

• Cute, happy ending

He grunted and then looked up at us. "When the hell did Satan's spawn come back to life? And why are you all here?!"
As Bon got to his feet, Yukio said to both of them while holding up the bounties on his device, "We have a slight problem."

Their eyes widened and both shot each other a look.
I added lastly with a sigh, "We really, really need your help."


"Huh?" The two boys said in unison.
"We need you to help us somehow stop Arthur A. Angel. He's going to far with everything... We're begging you." I pleaded with a bow.
Bon raised an eyebrow and stepped closer. "And what do we get out of it?"
Rin put a hand on my shoulder, making sure Bon didn't get too close.
"Look, you're probably some dipshit from my past life," Rin began, earning a look of realization from Bon and Kone of why he was acting like he didn't remember anything from the past year.
Because he didn't.
"But that doesn't mean you'll get a benefit from helping out what seems to be old friends. If you want Blondie to shut his big mouth and save your own asses, I suggest you just help us."
Konekomaru affixed his gaze onto Bon.
"Ryuji... They're right. We've had tons of problems with Angel... Maybe if we–"
"No way in hell," Bon retorted, cutting his friend off. "I'm not putting myself in a lethal situation to kill the head of the knights. And don't think I haven't heard about that trial, Y/N. None of us are allowed on the academy grounds anymore," he started to walk off back into his small hut. "So good luck with that."
I reached out my arm, "Bon, wait–" but Yukio put his hand on my forearm.
"Y/N, it's his choice. We're not forcing anybody." He reminded gently.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yeah... I-I know." Then, I turned to Kone. "So... You're going to join us?"
He hesitated for a moment, making a split second choice.
"Yeah. If it means saving myself and you guys, I'll do it." He replied with confidence.
Izumo slapped his back, making him slightly choke. "That's the Kone I know! Now, let's get a move on, shall we?"


"I wonder what Shiemi does nowadays..." I mumbled to Yukio, who was driving the van calmly.
He nodded.
"Me too. All I know is where she lives... And it's not with her mother anymore. Apparently she got her own place."
"She's very mature, too. Last time I saw her, she said she cooked her own meals, got a great job and is settling down well. She even said she gave away her kimono!" Izumo cried.

I was really curious to see what she was like again. I missed her... A lot.

I sighed.
    "We've all changed a lot... Especially Bon. Last year, he would never pass up an opportunity to kick someone's ass."
"Tell me about it," Kone agreed.
Yukio stayed silent within the rest of our conversations and drove quietly with Rin side-eyeing him at some points.

The ride lasted a while, but it felt fairly quick due to long talks, for we had already reached Shiemi's place.
We all hopped out of the van to take a good look at her small home, and to my surprise, it was actually pretty decent for someone who just graduated. Though, she could have freeloaded off of her mother as well.
Izumo squinted her eyes. "Am I hallucinating, or is this
legitimately a pretty nice house?"
"No, you're right," Konekomaru reassured the purple-haired girl.

The house was a minty-green little two-story building with a faded-white door. What I hadn't really noticed was that we were in a small little town... Just like mine, but it wasn't. It was so plain and simple, just like all the other ones around it.

Shiemi really has it good. Man, I'm jealous.

All five of us then ambled up to the door and rang the doorbell.
"Coming!" We heard a voice shout, then a few crashing metal noises and someone dropping things loudly.
They said something to themselves, but it was inaudible.

The house door then opened to reveal a shocked and messy looking blonde haired girl.
"Y-Y-Y/N... R-R-R-Rin...?" She mumbled in shock while eying all of us.
"A-All of you? What are you doing here?!" She almost shouted.

Right. I should probably say something.

"Hey, Shiemi–"
Unexpectedly, she hugged me like there was no tomorrow, and with all the strength she had in her body. "Y/N! You don't know how much I missed you...!" She cried into my chest, sounding muffled.
Her gaze then drifted around, then in seconds, embraced every one of us and told each exorcist how much she missed them.

She stopped as she came across Rin.

She wiped her glassy eyes and took a good stare at him.
"You... You... You're not dead...? B-But I saw–"
I scratched my head awkwardly. "Yeah, he's alive and in the flesh. It's not just you."
Her confused expression turned into a wide smile as she squeezed Rin tight.
    "I can't believe... You're alive! But how–"
Suddenly, Rin shoved Shiemi off him quickly.
"Man, can you not?" He said, running a hand through his hair with an annoyed look.
Shiemi deadpanned with a fake smile.
"Eh—what do you mean...?"
Yukio then put a hand on her shoulder and made her face him.
"I'll explain him later, but right now, reunion isn't the point."
Before she could even question, the gunslinger pulled up the bounties.
    "This is–"
"Oh," she said suddenly. "I knew it..."
"Huh?" Izumo and Kone muttered in sync.
She sighed. "Who doesn't know about it? Especially all of us... I just had a feeling that's why you came. I knew there wasn't any other reason."

I felt bad that she said that, because truly, I did want to see her—and not just for help on kicking Arthur's ass.
I ruffled her hair and reassured with a grin, "That's not just why we came, Shiemi. In fact, we all wanted to see you."
Her eyes lit up. "Really?"
I nodded. "Yeah, really."
She bit her lip and said with confidence, "In that case, I-I'll help! But where do we even start...?"
"We can figure that out tonight," Yukio began. "Because tomorrow, we're going to need a plan."

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now