2- 41. Assured To Contend

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"I don't care." Yukio looked at me with a somewhat depressed—yet surprised expression. "I'm going to get his memories back. I don't care if I get hurt along the way, or it takes a lifetime. I won't give up." 
    The gunslinger sighed. "Y/N, that's not how it works–" 
    I scoffed and poked him in the chest with my finger. "The hell it does for me. I'm going to find a way. If you don't want to try with me, then so be it. I will get the old Rin back."  I then turned to Mephisto and glared straight into his dead eyes.   
    "And you," I stood in front of him and grunted,  "Don't get in my way."


After the tall clown left, I decided to go on a laptop and research the Vatican HQ and True Cross Academy with Rin sitting next to me, legs crossed, on the soft couch.
He groaned, "Y/N, when are we going to sleep? I'm really damn tired."
I didn't heed to what the boy said, and kept researching.

The True Cross Academy Council:
Vatican (a word coming from Italian origins) in which controls is the central power of the church and contains the Main Offices of the True Cross Order, which is led by the Grigori, along with the Paladin.

So these are the bastards who erased Rin and I's memories... Not to mention, most likely made a deal with Satan.
I sighed and shut the computer, barely keeping my eyes open, and yawned.
"I–I'll get your memories back... I just have to... Keep researching and trying." I said exhaustedly with a weak smile.
"Tsk—I think that can wait for now," he took the computer off my lap and put in on the coffee table in front on the couch we sat on. "You just need some sleep, alright?" He suggested, pushing my hair back from my face.
"But what about—"
He pulled me down to lay in front of him on the couch, in which my body perfectly fit in his arms as he wrapped one around my waist. "My god, you're such a handful," he complained tiredly.
"Just go to sleep. I'm here." He said quietly, nuzzling his face in my H/L hair.
His unexpected actions made me surprised, but nonetheless, safe and comfortable, so I went with it and closed my eyes.

He's so... Warm. But why is he doing this? It feels like his old self...
But it's just... Not.
So I have to do something about it tonight.


I made myself wake up at about 3:00AM and slide myself out of Rin's grasp, even though it was extremely comfortable, and I felt a rush of disappointment flush through me as I realized I had to get up.
Like Yukio, he was a fairly heavy sleeper—but "fairly" is really an understatement.

Since it was just his arm around my waist, it wasn't too hard, so I just slyly lifted his arm up and rolled off quickly and quietly, but didn't realize that the coffee table was still a thing, so I hit my head on it, causing me to hiss profanities.

Let's hope that didn't wake anyone up.

I tiptoed over to the balcony and slid the door closed silently.
    Sighing, I pondered about my future action. I can't believe I'm doing this...
"AMAIMON!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

I swear, if he's not here, I might just jump of this thing from embarrassment.
A few seconds later, I yelled it even louder for the entire city around me to hear, but was cut off by somebody's hand covering my mouth.
"Jeez, loud as always. What do you want?" They asked monotonously.
Luckily, I knew it was him.
I grabbed his wrist and pulled it down from my mouth. "I need your help," I said, turning to face him.
He raised an eyebrow and leaned closer suspiciously. "It depends on what it is. If you're sneaking out, I can't do it. Both of those boys would kick my ass."
I sighed, twiddling my fingers. "Well..."
He rubbed his forehead with his index finger and thumb in frustration. "Y/N, you can't–"
"Amaimon, please!" I swiftly bowed and begged, "I really need to do this. It's the only way to... To..." I didn't finish, since he knew what I meant.
He put a hand on my shoulder. "Yukio already despises me enough. I don't want you to–"
I grabbed his shirt firmly and said, "Please, I need you to help me! If Yukio finds out, it was my idea anyway. You won't get in trouble, I promise!"
"That's not the problem, Y/N," he mumbled softly, taking my hand from his shirt and holding it. "I'm not letting you get hurt." He stated firmly, as if this conversation was finished.
"I won't, really! I just... Need to see some people, that's all." I reassured. "It's for a good cause, honestly."
He huffed, realizing I'd only keep begging if he didn't help me. "Fine."
I squeezed his hand tight. "Thank you! I mean it." I said with a bright smile.

Though he hid it, I could make out a little blush to go along with mine.
"Anyways, where do you need to go?"
I paused for a moment.
"The Vatican Main Office."


"My god, you're heavy." Amaimon grumbled from behind me, trying to catch his breath from my figure being on his back, while he ran and ran nonstop to get to the desired destination.
I slapped his back and said anxiously, "Come on, Tree Hugger. Let's go,"
He immediately jolted up as I started to walk in front of him. "Wait, I'm coming with you?"
I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him saying with sweet reassurance, "You don't have to. I'll be okay on my own."

He thought for a minute, then realized something I didn't pick up on.
"No, I'll go with. You probably shouldn't be alone at this time anyway."
I shrugged and moved on as he followed next to me.
I wonder why he decided to come. It's not like there's anything to get hurt by, and he'll really just be watching me argue.
     I shifted my gaze over to Amaimon wheres he stared straight ahead of himself.

I feel... Bad.
Not that he has to come, just in general. Yukio doesn't like him, Rin doesn't remember him—not that he even appreciates the boy—and he barely has a family.
No family, to be exact.
Is that the reason why he's always around the apartment building? Because...

I'm the only one he really has?


After being lost in deep thought, we finally arrived to the Vatican Main Office. Though, for some reason, I had a bad feeling about the things around me.

Amaimon and I entered the enormous building where we were greeted by three large and empty hallways to choose from.
"This way," the demon instructed as I followed.
I wonder why it's so quiet...
The only thing that could be heard in the hall was the sound of clanking footsteps down the corridor.
Amaimon immediately wrapped an arm around my waist, quickly slipped away into the other hallway that connected to the one we were in, and hid behind the wall with his arms still around me tightly.
"Amaimon, what—"
He cut me off my slapping a hand over my mouth.
     There were two guards that just happened to pass us, talking about things other than their boring job.
"Y/N, we can't be here right now. The only way that guards would be on patrol here, is that someone else is currently with the Grigori." He stated, trying to keep quiet.
I strode past him while saying, "I don't care. I have to talk to the Grigori, now."
He tried to convince me of getting out of the building, but I didn't listen. All that mattered is that I got to the Grigori as soon as possible, and eventually, we reached the doors of the giant debate-room.

Though, I heard someone trying to prove a point—moreover, yelling at the Grigori.
They sound so familiar...
And then it hit me.
Arthur A. Angel was in there, right now.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now