2. My Father, Mephisto

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RECAP: I've added some calming music because this might be a long chapter. The chapters do get shorter, but not too short. Enjoy

"Hey..." I started quietly, looking up at Rin, "do one of you know a man that kind of dresses like a clown? Wears—a lot of—purple? Sounds strange? He lead me to you guys, but I've felt like I've seen him before. Just curious."
    Rin and Yukio laughed. "Oh, you mean Mephisto Pheles? The so called 'headmaster'? Yeah, he's kind of psycho. Don't get too close to him." Yukio added.

Mephisto Pheles...
My... Father.


I automatically stopped in my tracks with a stunned look on my face.
"What's the–"
"Y–You said... Mephisto. M–Mephisto Pheles, right?" I stuttered.
"Yeah... Why?" Yukio questioned.
"Because... Because Mephisto Pheles is my father." I mumbled, feeling somehow ashamed to say it. It must have been weird for them to hear that.
They looked at me in horror.
"Okay, n–no way! Mephisto doesn't have any children!" Rin clearly stated.
"He... Ran off after he found out I was born." I admitted with guilt.
"That weird-ass-creep is my friend's father?! Oh, of he messes with you I'll–"

Yukio grabbed Rin by the collar.
    "Let's not rush into this," he then glanced over to me and scanned me up and down. "You know... Now that you say it, you look somewhat like Mephisto. I–I mean in a good way. Right, Rin?"
The twin mirrored the other.
"Actually, yeah... That's kind of weird to say, to be honest."

Yukio stood up straight. "So, are you going to tell him?"
I paused. "I don't think he'll believe me—or maybe he'll just ignore it," I said, looking away.
"Well, if you mention your mom's name it might ring a bell." Rin added.

I didn't want to, but I knew that I had to, and soon.
"Yeah... Maybe you're right. I'll tell him when the time is right." I sighed.

Later, we three walked side by side until we got to the dorm.
    Yukio knocked on the door and we waited until we heard somebody.

"Just get the goddamn door, Shima!" We heard one yell.
"Why can't you, Bon? You're closer!" Another called out.
"Just one of you, get the door, my god!" A girl shouted back.

We heard stomping towards the entrance and the door opened.
"Oh! Mr. Okumora! Sorry about that," a boy with pink hair bowed and let us enter. The place was pretty run–down, but it seemed kind of homey. It was nice, really.
"Everyone, come down!" Yukio instructed loudly so the supposed people upstairs could hear.

Soon enough, everyone was gathered in a circle.
    I sat in between Shiemi and Rin so I didn't feel that awkward. Honestly, everyone looked pretty normal to me. Except for that boy with the talking rabbit thing; that was a little strange.

"We're all gathered in this circle today to introduce a new member to the class. Everyone, this is Y/N." Yukio said, gesturing to myself.
I heard some "Hi, Y/N"s in bored, monotone voices. But some were actually happy to see me, and that's all I really needed.
Soon enough, we got past them all introducing theirselves in a circle.

"So, how'd you get enrolled in True Cross Academy so quickly?" Konekomaru asked curiously.
I thought about Shiro and how he already had everything planned it for me. The man was always prepared.
"Actually, Shiro, Rin and Yukio's father, had a form for me. He knew that I'd come and visit and Yukio and Rin would already be at the academy, so he made a plan." I explained.
"That's Shiro. Always ready for that stuff." Rin scratched his head with a fake smile.
It must be rough to hear about Shiro after a while.

"Anyways, we're all going on a mission together. Y/N, sorry it's so sudden, but I've had this planned out for a while now. All of us are going on a trip to the nearby forest." Yukio informed with a proud smile on his face.
"God, remember the last time we went camping, and now we're doing it again? Ugh..." Shima pouted with a groan. Everyone started to complain loudly and beg to do anything but that.
"Quit your whining! Since the last one didn't really go as planned, we are going again, but in a different forest, and different things to do." He stated, hands on his hips.
"But–" Yukio cut off Bon.
"No buts. Pack up tonight, we leave in the morning. Goodnight everyone," he paused for a brief moment. "Oh, and
Y/N, you sleep in Shiemi's dorm tonight."

And with that, Yukio went upstairs with an annoyed expression.

"And... Now we pissed him off. Great." Rin huffed sarcastically.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now