2- 40. No Matter What It Takes

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"Ah... Did I miss something?" Rin asked, walking forward to me.
I sighed.
"So much."

Rin stared out into the city like I did.
"Anyway," he pulled out something from his pocket and showed it to me. "I found this on top of the fridge. Thought' it might be yours."
The thing he held was that necklace. The one I had opened only to get my memories back. Mephisto had given it to me.
I hesitated to take it from him. "I don't know if I want to–"
"Here," he interrupted by grabbing my shoulders and spinning me around to put the necklace on. I could hear his soft breathing as he clipped the one chain together, and then let his hands rest on my shoulders.
"Y/N..." he said, barely under a whisper.
I sighed, not wanting to look at him. It just pained me to see him like this.
He paused for a moment.
"Why do I feel like this?"
My face flushed, and I thought about his question. "What to you mean...?"
His grip loosened on the bottom of my neck.
"My heart. It beats really fast whenever I'm near you. And my face goes completely red. Then... I kinda feel... Happy." He began, not knowing my face had gone paler. "I don't really get it. I feel like I remember you, but then I don't..." He had explained exactly how I felt when I was around Yukio, which for some reason, made me want to cry, knowing that Rin really doesn't have his memories.
He leaned in closer to my back and whispered, "I don't get it, But I..." It seemed like he was holding in tears. "I think I loved you. I think I remember you... I'm trying so hard to remember..." he choked, "Please help me, Y/N..." And then it hit me.
I got my memories back from something that I felt a spark with. Moreover, something I cherished.
Maybe if...
"Rin," I said while turning around and placing my hands on his broad shoulders. "You have three seconds to slap me."
"Y/N, what are you doing?"
"Hold on–"
And before he could respond with his raspy voice, I kissed him on the spot.
    He seemed to melt in softy, though I could tell he was confused. And after that, nothing happened.
He pulled away slowly and look me in the eyes. "Why did you do that?" He questioned.
I–It didn't work... I felt my face go cherry red, and I looked away as if I was ashamed of myself. "I–um... S–Sorry. I thought maybe if..." I couldn't bare to finish my sentence, in hopes that he would get it.
He smiled gently. "You thought maybe I would get my memories back?" I nodded my head in doubt. "You think... Maybe if I do it..." he began, looking at my lips once more. "I can get them back?"
My heart skipped a beat at that question, and he put his hand on my waist, pulling me in for another shot.
He went in swiftly, but before our lips could even touch... Yukio was back.
"Y/N, Rin," he called out, making the demon freeze in place.

We heard footsteps near the balcony, which made Rin quickly move away from me and act natural.

Yukio poked his head out and said, "Hey. I brought back someone you guys might want to see."
    Rin and I gave each other a glance before following Yukio out the balcony door, and spotting someone I seriously did not want to see.
Mephisto Pheles.
My father.
"Yukio, what the hell is he doing here?" I nudged him angrily.
He stiffened at my action, and Mephisto soon spoke up for him.
"Yukio told me what happened. I came here to..." he paused for a second and glanced at Yukio suspiciously. "I came to tell you that when demons get their memories erased, it's impossible to get them back. Moreover, Rin can't receive them from anything. I apologize."
I felt my face soften, and I pondered that odd glance they had just exchanged. It didn't feel right.
"Then how come I got mine back?" I asked, knowing that they were hiding something. "That's simple; you're technically half demon, half human. Though you can not activate your demon side. It's impossible," he began. "'Not to mention that locket I had given you held your memories inside."

There's no way... No.
    He couldn't have known that entire thing would happen. Or did he know that the Vatican HQ would take my memories anyway?

Had I seen too much? But it still doesn't make sense...

"I don't care." Yukio looked at me with a somewhat depressed—yet surprised expression. "I'm going to get his memories back. I don't care if I get hurt along the way, or it takes a lifetime. I won't give up."
The gunslinger sighed. "Y/N, that's not how it works–"
I scoffed and poked him in the chest with my finger. "The hell it does for me. I'm going to find a way. If you don't want to try with me, then so be it. I will get the old Rin back." I then turned to Mephisto and glared straight into his dead eyes.
"And you," I stood in front of him and grunted, "Don't get in my way."

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now