2- 52. A Locket And A Plan

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She bit her lip and said with confidence, "In that case, I-I'll help! But where do we even start...?"
"We can figure that out tonight," Yukio began. "Because tomorrow, we're going to need a plan."


I gasped and opened my eyes, only to find myself (once again) in the pitch black purgatory.

I heard him click his tongue.

"No, no, no. This will not do. At least, not for you."
I groaned and clenched my fist, knowing I was asleep—and dreading to be here again.
"What do you want? Here to tell me I'm going to die or something?" I snapped, not even feeling angry, but just annoyed that this goat man keeps messing with my precious sleep.
    And my life. Yeah, that too.

"Mm... Not quite. Just a fair warning, is all. But I'm certainly not liking your tone today, young lady. Maybe if you're a little nicer, I'll tell you," he teased.
"Cut your bull. I'm not here to play games. Tell me what you want me to hear already!" I demanded, slamming my hand on the ground of... Whatever I was in.
"I see you get your stubbornness from your father. How disappointing," he began.

I couldn't help but wonder if my father knew that I've been talking to this demon—or moreover, old accomplice.

"Moving on, just a reminder that you only have so much to lose, and so little time to spare, if you catch my drift. Or vise versa...? Well, it doesn't matter."
"My god. Tell me what you want!" I merely shouted in frustration, wanting to get out of this hell-hole.
"Yes, right. I must inform you that Author A. Angel will be at the rooftop of the academy... Near where your old dorms were, if I may add. But oh—he won't be alone. No spoilers, though! Have fun, dearest." The demon crooned—then like last time, everything started to fall apart as if nothing was ever of it.

"Come on! I need to know more! Just tell me... Don't... Wait..." I mumbled weakly, feeling my muscles go numb, then I was out like a light.


"Y/N..." somebody sang into my ear.
"Ngh..." I uttered, shifting my face to the side.

My E/C eyes fluttered open to see Izumo with a frown on her face, poking me in the cheek.

"Y/N, you fell asleep. Are you alright?" Yukio asked abruptly, making me turn my head.
We sat in Shiemi's cozy living room, surrounding the small table on the floor and a few pieces of paper with our unfinished plans on them.
"S... Sorry. I didn't mean to," I apologized, rubbing my eyes.
He smiled. "It's fine. Want to keep planning?"
I nodded almost furiously. "Mhm."
"Good. Now we just–"
"You know, before we plan anything, we should probably know where Arthur and his passé are hanging out," Rin cut in, resting his head on his palm.
I then I unconsciously blurted out, "They'll be on the rooftop of the academy."
Everyone fell silent and looked at me as if they'd witnessed something immensely awkward.
"How do you–"
"Um... Just a guess. But... Uh... I'm sure if it. I know he'll be there, really." I added quietly.
    Gee. Nice going, Y/N. You're such a headass.
"Actually," Konekomaru butt in, pushing up his glasses. "She's right. If you think about it logically, that's where they'd be. For one, it's not on the rooftop of the old dorms—that's too obvious and noticeable. Not the ground—it's too dangerous for the students. But the rooftop of the actual academy building... Makes perfect sense, right?"
Yukio thought for a moment. "You're absolutely correct... Anyway, they must be expecting us to show up sooner or later..." he said, rubbing his chin.
"Besides," I started, resting my head in my hands. "That sadistic idiot would want to put on a good show for whoever was below. Tell me I'm wrong, but it's true."
They all nodded in agreement.
After a few seconds of awkward silence, Izumo then cracked her fingers and slammed her hands on the small table, making Konekomaru jump.
"Ah, come on! You want to make a devious plan to take down the damn blondie, right?" She asked, aiming her question at me.
I scratched my cheek. "Y-Yeah, but I don't really–"

"Then let's get this party started," a devilish smirk formed on that clear face of hers. "Shall we?"


As Konekomaru lay on top of Izumo's back, and Shiemi sleeps on Yukio's shoulder, snores filled the room as I sat alone and quietly let out a small laugh. They were passed out from planning our big "surprise" for the head of the knights.
Instead of trying to sleep since I accidentally caught some Zs when we talked a while ago, I went to the kitchen to get some water and check my phone.
Once I got a glass, I scrolled and spotted a recent article that caught my eye.

News Today!
   Bounties on specific people aren't a surprisebut what is a surprise is that all of them are 16-18 years of age. What we want to talk about today is the highest bounty.

I internally sighed. This better be good.

Recently, a girl known as Y/N L/N has had a trial for violation of school property with an accomplice (whom the academy hadn't named). On August

Suddenly, a hand was out over my mouth, making me gasp—though it wasn't loud enough to wake the others up.
"Chill," a familiar voice reassured, "it's just me."
I nodded slowly, making the person release his hand from my mouth.
I turned to see Rin with a finger on his lips as he took my hand, and as silent as a mouse, took me outside of the house and shutting the front door quietly.
I then crossed my arms. "Look, if you're here to harass me with your–"
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry." He cut in abruptly.
I stopped my rambling and held my arms tighter. "That's what you said last time."
"Yeah," he began, sitting down on the concrete step of the tiny front porch, "but I mean it this time."
I sat down next to him. "Rin, I–"

"I don't know what's been going on with me lately," he said, overpowering my voice. "It's like... Something inside of me is trying to get out. Like the old me. I'm sure it sounds crazy, but... I don't know. You have a right to hate me right now, though."
I shook my head with a gentle smile. "No matter how much you're a fool, there won't be any day I'd hate you."
A smile also crept in his face, as well as a light laugh. "I know." Suddenly, something clicked in him. "Right," he pulled something I would have never expected out of his pocket.

The locket.

"I mean to give it to you earlier, but–"
"Where did you find it?" I asked eagerly, leaning closer to him. I remember losing it—or moreover, remembering it disappear—after I gained my memories back from it.
"While you were sleeping one night, I roamed the apartment a little, and found it by the entrance. I think it was dropped in by the mail flap." He replied, handing it to me.
I hesitantly took it thinking that something bad might happen if I touched it... But nothing did. I felt like I gained a memory every time I even looked at it, but I didn't.
"Thank you..." I mumbled, examining the bright color of it.
I felt his gaze burn into my temple.
"Yeah..." he said softly, pushing my H/L hair behind my ear, then grabbing my attention. "Y/N."
I hummed in response, shifting my head.
"May I kiss you? Like last time..." he questioned, making me stumped and trying to process what he just said.
Then it hit me like a bullet. "N-No! I mean—yes! Wait, um, don't—"
Before I could finish, he gave me a quick peck on my cheek and stood up swiftly.
I blushed slightly and looked up at him. "R-Rin..."
He patted my head casually, walking back inside. "Goodnight,
I ambled in as well and shut the door behind me, then touched my cheek softly.

It wasn't on the lips...

But instead of swooning or blushing over it so much, I decided to cherish that moment, for that might be the last time for a while he might kiss me anywhere.

And I who knows what tomorrow will bring.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now