25. An Okumora Sacrifice

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The demon put his hands behind his back and casually walked off the platform of the Gahenna gate.
He stood in front of all of us and said, "Well..." The man grimaced, holding out a hand.
"Aren't you going to greet your father properly, Yukio and Rin?"


"What do you want with Yukio and Rin?!" Shiemi asked with her eyes glassy, but then seemed to immediately regret it after—knowing now who she was up against.
Everyone's heads turners towards her. Bael's eyes turned a blood red color. "Shut your pitiful mouth, or all snap all of these threads at once." He threatened irritatedly.
"Don't talk to her like that!" Bon defended, stepping in front of Shiemi protectively.
"God, you're really asking for it now." Bael muttered in frustration, taking his thread and tearing it ever so slightly.
Bon bellowed in pain and fell to the floor while half the class rushed over to help him.

"Bael, that's quite enough." Satan snapped his fingers, making Bael having to put the thread back into place. It seemed as if though... He controlled them.
He then smiled. "Well, let's get back on topic, shall we?"
Satan strolled over to me and walked around my figure to uncomfortably observe me.
"My goodness, I've heard so much about you..." he leaned into my ear and whispered, "But they never said that you were this beautiful."

There was a line to meeting the family, but that crosses it.

I turned around swiftly and landed a hard punch on him, making everyone gasped in surprise.
"Bastard." I retorted, shaking my hand from the punch.

He rubbed his cheek and laughed, "Feisty. I like it."
    He stood up straight, turning to his brown-haired son. "Yukio, you don't mind if I hurt her?" He asked.
"... I..." The intelligent boy paused, looking away. "I don't."
"Yukio, what the hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted as Satan pushed me to the ground and positioned his sword a few inches above my neck. "There's nothing you can do." He glanced towards his followers. "Bael, now." He demanded.
Bael took every piece of thread at ripped them all at once; though, not breaking them completely.
Screams of agony could be heard throughout the perimeter of the roof. The whole class was on the ground, crying in pain.

Everyone except Yukio and I weren't effected by it.
    Satan leaned down closer and said, "Don't you just love seeing all of your friends in pain?" He questioned with a devilish smirk, holding up my head.
"You're sick." I spat. "Just let Yukio and the others go, I'll stay with you!" I said pleadingly.
"I love the offer, but I'm afraid that your time is already up!" He said maniacally, before lifting his sword up to plunge through me.
Though, before he could do anything, I heard a "clank!", and the sword was knocked out of his hands.

I turned my head to see Shura standing next to me with two daggers in her hands.
"Nobody hurts any of these kids on my watch, got it, Punk?" She glared at him.
A grin appeared on his face. "Well, it's a little late for that, don't you think?" He pointed to the class; and then to Yukio.
"What the hell did you do to him?" Shura readied her sword.
"Oh, it's not I who did it. It was her who caused it," he signaled to me.
The poison? But how?
Or maybe...
That's not what he means at all.
The demon started to walk around the class casually and observe their excruciating pain.
"Yes, the poison... But I'm talking about mental... Emotions. His depression and anger is—or should I say has taken over his body. He's been hurt by Little Miss Y/N, here." He explained as if it was nothing.
"That's not true! I never did anything!" I cried in defense.
"Ah!" He remembered. "Wait a moment, everyone should hear this–" He snapped his fingers, making Bael immediately fix the threads once again.

The screams stopped and all that was heard was dead silence.
You could tell by far... Everyone was listening with plastered, furious expressions.

"As I was saying... You, Y/N, did this to him," He strolled over to Yukio and put a hand on his shoulder. "Just look at my poor son... He knew all too well. You broke his heart." He said in sarcastic pity. "He knew that you kissed Rin, he knows that you don't love him... Hell, have you even showed him any affection and care?" He teased, stroking my hair.

Everyone's eyes widened and their heads turned to Rin. He, too, was shocked that he had brought it up.
"More than you ever have." I insulted.
He wagged his finger and clicked his tongue. "Are you sure that's true...
I hesitated.
    He's right... I never said I loved him or gave him any affection.
    Hell, have I even said "thank you" once?
"Y/N, he's just trying to get into your head! Don't–"

I put my hand up for Rin to be quiet.

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