2- 33. Dream

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Not a moment too soon, we landed on Yukio's apartment balcony smoothly.
He slid the door open quietly, but before he could set me on the couch, we heard a familiar voice.
    "Did you think I wouldn't notice if you snuck out, Y/N?"
    Of course... it could only be—and was only—Yukio.


With Amaimon still carrying me, we both immediately shot our heads towards the dark figure. The light turned on, to reveal a—certainly—not-happy looking Yukio.
"Oh... Y–Yukio!" My eyes went wide. "You're awake..." I stuttered on my words nervously.
    "Damn right I am!" He shouted, whisking his hand through the air.
    Amaimon place me back down on my feet gently, but I stayed close to him.
    I took a step closer to Yukio, saying sincerely, "I... Yukio, if you can let me–"
Instead of yelling at me, he embraced me tightly, and buried his head into my neck. "I thought that somebody took you! Don't ever do that again... Please..." he noticed my stiffness, and my close distance between Amaimon and I.
    "I'm sorry. I won't snap from now on. But did he hurt you? Did he do anything to make you feel uncomfortable?" He worried, he scanning my figure.
    I took a step back, my hand brushing the demon's. "Yukio, I'm fine. He would never do anything like that..." I defended.
Though I didn't know Amaimon for long—yet I knew I did—I still knew he was an important piece of me, like the others.

He was good to me, and I was thankful.
"Y/N, you don't know Amaimon. He'll do anything to get what he wants. You don't know what he did to you in the past." Yukio retorted, obviously trying to get me not to like the strange—yet lovely—demon.
    Amaimon placed his hand on top of my head and said calmly, "Okumora, you know that I've changed for a fact. Don't give her the impression like I was a complete jerk back then, because you know that wasn't the case. I would never do anything to hurt Y/N. I care for her as much as you do," he stated bluntly, stroking my hair lightly.
The two had a stand-off between deadly stares, but Yukio eventually broke the tension.
"Alright. But if I ever see you touching her in certain ways, or doing it in general, you'll feel my wrath, got it? For all I know, you could be working for the council."
    Amaimon shook his head with a frown.
    "Please, don't make me laugh. Like I'd ever work for them; especially with Mephisto. He's done too much, and he's hurt Y/N. It's not like I'm fond of the Vatican HQ either way." He breathed.
    Yukio glared at him for a second until saying, "Okay. But just because I said that, still doesn't mean I like you."
    "Fair enough," Amaimon replied pretentiously. "I don't really like you either."

For a moment, I thought I saw Yukio slightly smile, but it was probably just my weird imagination.
    "Anyway, I should go now," he said as he pulled me in for a tight hug.
    He whispered something that I couldn't make out, and then kissed my temple gently (unnoticeable to Yukio) and pulled away.    
He patted my head, and then walked out the balcony doors, casually hopping off the barrier and going out of sight.   
    What he did made me feel the blood rush to my cheeks, and a slight, blissful smile form.
There was a few seconds of quietness before I brought up, "I seriously can't understand why you don't like him, Yukio. He's really sweet."
    He pushed his glasses up dismay. "It's not necessarily him... But, more his 'brother'. You know, brotherhood and crap, that kind of stuff. In which that demon is your father, Mephisto Pheles."
    My eyes widened. "Wait—so does that mean that Amaimon is my... My uncle?!" I choked.
    "No, not at all, in fact. It's complicated. Nor am I your uncle either, so don't freak out. My family tree is pretty weird..." He scratched the back of his neck.
     That's a relief.
    We stayed silent until he decided to say something. "Anyways, speaking of which... I have to go on a small mission tomorrow. It will only be for one night, so you'll have the place to yourself. And I—most likely—won't be here in the morning. I was going to tell you earlier, but..."
    He gave me no choice but to finish his thought. "Yeah. Sorry about that..." I apologized.
    He chuckled a little. "It's okay. It was mainly on me."
He kinda has a point.
"You should get some sleep," he said before walking into his room, ready to close the door.
    "I'll be in here if you need me. If anything happens, just yell. Even if it's just Amaimon." He said with an expression of annoyance.
    "Okay... Well, goodnight, Yukio. And if I don't get to say goodbye in the morning..." I paused, "Then goodbye. Have a safe trip, and be careful." I smiled softly.
   "Thank you. I will be safe. Sweet dreams, Y/N." After that, he closed the door and everything went dead silent.

All you could hear now was the wind blow, and the car horns beep.
I lay back down on the couch and get cozy again.
    My mind started to race with thoughts, and as soon as I knew it, I was out like a light.


I woke up in a field of flowers, and the grass was warm. The sun beamed down onto my white sundress, almost blinding my vision.
     The wind picked up, and made the plants sway and dance in the large plain around me. The air was so fresh, and it felt amazing.
    The sky was a silver-blue and there weren't many clouds; though the sun did shine brightly down on the beautiful plants and I.
    It was a feeling like no other. So blissful, so simple.

Yet, I've felt it often, but in a different way.

Suddenly, I saw a figure in the distance.   
    They were standing with their back facing me, and they let the wind tousle their dark clothes.
They seem so... Relaxed. I wonder who it is...
After a long while of staring from curiosity, I walked up to them.
    They had their hands in their jean pockets, and they stared off beyond the plains.
After I was a few feet behind them, I asked, "Excuse me... Who are you?"
    They took a few seconds before turning  around slowly.

My heart was beating fast at their snailish pace, eagerly awaiting to see their face uncovered form their beautifully, wind-tousled hair.
Once they had turned around all the way, their entire structure was revealed.
    It was a male with jet black hair, and ocean blue eyes. His orbs stared into my E/C ones as we both stay silent; only I was awaiting for an answer.
    He stuck out his hand with a sweet, child-like smile.
    "Y/N! I was waiting for you."
    He took my hand with both of his and laughed, leaning down slightly to my height and ruffling my hair. "You remember me, right, Y/N? It's me, Rin!"
My eyes went wide. I wanted to say something, but nothing came out of my mouth.
    I tightly gripped his hand back with a vexed, worried look.
Abruptly, I heard childish voices, and rusting amongst the flowers near us.
"Come on! Give it back!"
    A little girl suddenly appeared a few meters away, chasing a black-haired boy her age that held a locket tightly in his hand, which I assumed to be hers.
    When she pleaded him for her belonging, I knew she called his name, too. But for some reason, I couldn't hear it. It was just blocked out.
The boy giggled, running towards me, but it wasn't me he was running for.
    When he jogged to me, I expected him to bump into my legs, but he just went right through me, as if he was a ghost. The girl did, too.
"Whoa!" I said, stunned of what had just happened.
    I watched the two little kids chase each other for a few more moments, before I blinked. Their giggles faded into thin air, and their bodies disappeared into dandelions that danced in the air and onto the ground.
    Then, I realized that the two kids looked familiar.

The boy's jet black hair, the girl's E/C eyes...
Rin laughed endearingly, locking eye contact with me, then realizing something I didn't.

"Ah... I guess it's time for me to go now," he said, still smiling genuinely, as if him leaving was a good thing.
    Every time I blinked, he would lessen and lessen into nothing.
"Wait, Rin, don't go! I..." I tried to make up an excuse for him to stay, my eyes feeling glassy.
    Though, something forbid words to come out of my mouth again.
"Hey, Y/N. Don't forget that I love you! Keep that in mind, okay?" He grinned kindly, squeezing my hand tighter.
And just like that, when I blinked again, all there seemed was dandelions floating back to the ground...
    Just like the children I'd seen before.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now