2- 32. Sneaking Out

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PRECAP: holy mother of Zeus I've reached over 3000 reads.
(my UWU is out of control thank you all so much ♥︎🌈💗💘💛💜🧡💚💙🅱️☀︎💕😫💝)

"No, it's okay. It's just... Not remembering the important people in my life really makes me... Have mixed emotions, I guess." I reassured, hugging my legs.

He stayed quiet, as if he was thinking.

Then he lent out his hand and said, "Come with me, I want to take you somewhere."


A pink hue dusted my cheeks as I said,
"Uh... I don't really think that it's a good idea. Yukio will know that–"

"God, everything is about Yukio with you, I swear." He interrupted sassily. "Why don't you live a little instead of living in this apartment, patiently waiting to get your memories back, which will probably never happen if you just sit around."

He had a point. Even if I do follow Yukio's rules and lounge around lazily, it won't help anybody.

I thought about it for a moment before I put my hand on his.
"Can we not stay out too late, though?" I asked, feeling guilty about sneaking out.
    A smirked formed on his thin lips. "That's what I thought."

He led me to the balcony and silently closed the glass door behind us.

With his hand still in mine, we stood in the middle of the balcony. "Close you're eyes if you're afraid of heights." He warned.
    "Wait, Amaimon, what do you m–"

Before I could finish, he picked me up bridal style, squatted on his knees, and leapt up into the air swiftly.
    We were about a couple hundred feet off the balcony, even way above the building's roof, but I had that nervous feeling of when your feet dangle from a roller coaster, and you can drop any minute.

I gasped when we stopped in the air for a few seconds, and then started to drop again.
I shut my eyes tightly, and wrapped my arms around his neck securely, before everything stopped all at once. "You can open your eyes now." He instructed.
    I cautiously opened one eye, and then the next. Only then did I realize that we were on the roof of the apartment building.
I scrambled out of his arms, and ran to the edge. I exhaled excitedly and pointed out, "Look at this view! It's so pretty!" I beamed.

The city was all lit up, and it was a breathtaking sight.
You could see tiny people over the edge still walking and cars driving quickly while beeping their horns. I'd never seen something like it. Even from the balcony, it was completely different
It was so beautiful. I felt complete, like I found a missing puzzle piece that I finally could fit in my heart.

I whiffed in some cold, fresh air, and breathed it back out. It felt so great to be relaxed, especially after feeling tense the past few days.

He interrupted the moment and said abruptly, "Y/N?"
    I turned my head to see him directly next to me. "Yeah?"

He hesitated on what he was about to say, but then went for it.
"Tell me what you remember. You know... Before you lost your memories and all. Anything—it doesn't matter what."
    I felt so terrible for leaving people like this.
Is this what everyone wanted to hear, but they were to afraid to ask of what I possibly remembered?
    "I..." I paused. "I'm sorry." I apologized quietly.
    He raised an eyebrow, glancing at me. "What?"
    "I don't remember anything except for my mother and aunt. I–I can't seem to even try..." I said, feeling a wave of sadness wash over me.

He sighed and rubbed my back gently. Though I hated when people touched my back or my neck, this time... It felt comforting.
"Say it to the city."
    I glanced up at him. "Huh?"
   He pointed beyond. "The city. Shout it. Scream out all of your problems, and it will make you feel good."
    I pursed my lips, feeling doubtful, but I tried it anyways. "I... I want to remember things, but... I can't." I muttered.
    He groaned. "Come on, Y/N. You can do better than that."
    "I..." I began, a little louder, lightly touching the roof's thin fence that only kept me a little safe. "I can't remember anything, but I want to."
    He gripped my waist, making sure I didn't fall as I leaned over the edge somewhat dangerously. "Louder. The city can't hear you."
    "I–I want to remember things. I want to remember what happened!" I yelled, holding the fence more firmly.
    He smiled. "You're getting there. Make the whole city hear you!"

This time, I didn't hesitate.
"I want to remember everything! I want to remember who I am, I want to remember Amaimon, Yukio, Rin, and everyone else! Those–those were my memories, and I want them back!" I shouted with my hands cupped over my mouth, making sure to whole city did hear me.

A smile formed on my face, and for a moment, it seemed like the city went quiet as if they'd really heard me.
    And maybe, just for a second, they did.

I turned back to Amaimon, and he was smiling too.
    "You're still so lively."
    "Sure I am," I grinned wider, but after a moment or two, I gazed out into the illuminated city, and it had already faded. "But I cant help but get the feeling... That I have more fault to all of this than I think."

Amaimon's smile was gone, too.

"Maybe you do. But even if that's true, it doesn't make any difference, does it?"
    I exhaled breathlessly, feeling the wind brush through my hair. "I guess it doesn't..." I paused, then but my lip. "But lets say getting my memories back was really possible. Do you think..."
Don't say it, Y/N.
"I truly should?"
    "You mean, you don't want your old self back?"
    "I never said that."
    "But you were implying it," he countered.
    I stayed silent, not denying it.
What do you want, Y/N?

"Listen, Y/N. I understand the place that you're in, but you seriously need to try and get those memories back. I know that you don't know who I am—or anyone for that matter—but please..." He paused. "Do it for the people who care about you."
    I never meant to seem like I wasn't trying... Did it come out that way? Am I really not trying?

"Can I ask you a question?"
    He turned his head in response.
    "What were you to me? You know—in my past life. I know I asked it before, but..." I looked beyond the roof. "It seemed as if you weren't sure of what to tell me."
    He sighed, smiling and looking up at the sky. "You're right. I don't know what to tell you. Would you know what to tell someone you love when they've lost all their memories?"

The word "love" echoed in my head.

"No... I guess I wouldn't..."
    He chuckled lightly, stroking my hair. "Relax," he began softly. "Anyways, if you were to get you memories back, you'd noticed that I've changed for the better."
    I wonder... Why did he change?
Was it my fault?
I guess people change no matter what. Intentional or unintentional, it will happen.

My thoughts created about a minute long awkward pause between us.
    "I should take you back down now," he said, patting my shoulder once, then scooping me up gently and standing on the edge.
    "Wait, you're not going to–"
    Before I could finished, he carelessly jumped down, making me gasp.
    "Are you crazy?!" I yelled, burying my face into his neck and holding him tighter.
Only a little," he said loudly over the sound of the whistling wind as we fell.
    Not a moment too soon, we landed on Yukio's apartment balcony smoothly.

He slid the door open quietly, but before he could set me on the couch, we heard a familiar voice.
    "Did you think I wouldn't notice if you snuck out, Y/N?"

Of course... it could only—as was only—Yukio.

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now