2- 34. Returned Memories

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"Hey, Y/N. Don't forget that I love you! Keep that in mind, okay?" He grinned kindly, squeezing my hand tighter.
And just like that, when I blinked again, all there seemed was dandelions floating back to the ground...
    Just like the children I'd seen before.



I woke up breathing heavily, feeling like the wind was knocked out of me.

No, it didn't matter if I looked like a heaping mess. It didn't matter if I couldn't breath.
    All I could think of was: Rin, Rin, Rin, Rin, Rin...

The thought of having that dream sent shivers down my spine for some reason.   
    Just having a dream about somebody of whom I don't know jack squat about—yet I know everything about.

It hurt my brain to think about, moreover, extremely hard to process.

Instead of thinking too hard after that, I got up from the couch and stretched.
Before I could finish a yawn, I heard a knock at the door.

Surely it's not Yukio. He's gone until tomorrow morning...?
Though I look like I just got hit by a bus and then got mauled by a pack of wolves, I decided to see who it was and open the door.
    "Good morning. What do you–" I was about to greet them drowsily before my mind automatically switched on.
    A man about 6'5 stood in front of me. His clothes were unusual, and his hair was long and purple. His piercing green eyes saw right through my pure soul, and a small grin plastered his lips.
"Well, well. Hello, miss Y/N. It's been a while, has it not?" He leaned down to my level and pinched my cheek. "My, have you grown. Who knew a person could change so much in only a year's time, hm?"
    I slapped his hand off me angrily and said under my breath, "This better be good." I stood up straight and asked with my arms crossed, "Who is it now? My cousin? Uncle? Great grandfather? An old friend?"

I pursed my lips, turning on my heel. "Anyway, you can go now. Whoever you are, I don't remember you. Now, if you'll excuse me–"
    Before I could slam the door, his hand slid through the crack and he forced it back open.
    "Now, you wouldn't forget your own father, would you?" He questioned sarcastically with a devilish smile.
A moment of silence took over both of our words, and my eyes widened in realization.
    This man... The flashbacks. He was in them.
I quickly rummaged on the inside of my pocket to find that picture.
    It was of me and my mother, and the other half was ripped, so all you could see was a hand on her shoulder, and the rest was gone.
I knew it.
I held the picture up to the man to see if he would fit in with the colors, the lighting, the scenery... And he did.   
    "You... No..." I mumbled in shock.
    He grinned even wider and snatched my picture out of my hand, waving it it my face. "Oh, yes! Mephisto Pheles is the name, Sweet Cakes." He teased as he ambled into the small living room.
    "Hey, wait a minute—give me back my photo!" I yelled and tried to reach it from his hand with my smaller arms.
He dangled it up above me with a seething smirk, that then turned into a bored frown.
    "Goodness, you're exhausting. I don't know how your mother could deal with you for a full on eighteen years." He mocked.
    "Whatever," I scoffed as I finally took the photo from his hands. "Now get out." I demanded bluntly.
    He thought for a moment before saying, "Actually, I quite like it here. I think I will stay." He announced.
    "What? No! There's no way you're staying here!" I retorted, balling my fists in frustration.
    "Watch me," he flicked my on the forehead and smiled sheepishly.
"That's not happening," I heard a familiar voice cut in.
    We turned our heads to see Amaimon in the doorway of the balcony. He walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder gently. "Listen to her. Beat it, Old Man." He defended.
    The clownish man snorted.
    "And what makes you think I'll listen to her or a little demon? Hm?"
    His eyes turned sharp. "Because if you don't, the council will know that you're out of your place." Now that made him shut up.
     Had Amaimon been watching?
    I wonder if he was planning to see me today...
His teasing smile turned into a defeated frown.
    "But that means that the council would find you. Now, you don't want that. You've been doing a great job at hiding."
    "I'll take the risk." He answered without hesitation.
The two had a stand off of silence. I could feel tension in the air.
"Alright, I'll go." He said with finality, putting his hands up as if he surrendered his all.   
He began to walk out the door, but before he could, he grabbed my attention.
    "Oh, and Y/N," I could feel Amaimon's grip tighten on my shoulder. "Scavenge Yukio's room for something. You'll know it when you see it. I'm fairly certain that you will not regret it."
And with that, he was gone without another word.
I felt the urge to listen to him... Like he had a point or a reason.
    Scavenge? But for what? Either way, I don't want to invade Yukio's privacy.
    "Y/N, are you okay?" Amaimon snapped me out of my thoughts, making me jump.
    "Oh. Yeah. I'm fine..." I answered quietly, still contemplating about searching Yukio's room.

That's it.

"I'll be right back." I said, walking off in the direction of Yukio's bedroom.
    Once I entered the room, Amaimon followed.
"Shit, Y/N..." he cursed. "You're not serious about rummaging through his stuff, are you? You might find things that you don't really want to find..." Amaimon warned and leaned against the door frame as I started my scavenge.
    I glanced up at the demon. "I know I shouldn't trust him... But I could tell that he wasn't lying."


About an hour later, I realized that giving up was a great option.
I groaned, throwing my head back on the wall while Amaimon leaned against the door frame, playing with the loose strings on his clothing.
    "I'm surprised I didn't find anything in here... But what could Mephisto have been talking about?" I mumbled to myself, rubbing my temple.
Amaimon grinned cheekily, taking something off of his desk and throwing it to me.
    "You may not have, but I know I did."
I scowled at the few porn magazines, throwing it back at him.
    "You're so rude... th–that's not what I meant..."
He shrugged with a smug grin, then noticing my disappointed look on my face as I sat on my legs and twiddled my fingers.
His expression went soft as he kneeled down to me. "Y/N..."
    "I just... Know he wasn't lying. There is something in here, Amaimon..."
As he tried to talk me back down to earth, I spotted something on top of the window's edge.
    Something that glowed to me, hanging slightly off the cil and out of place.
I squinted my eyes go make out what it was, and finally got on my tip–toes to reach it as the beautiful nature demon watched from behind me cautiously.
I pulled it down and held it in my hands, gazing at it curiously.

It was some sort of gold locket, and Amaimon seemed to know what it was.

His eyes went wide as he yelled, "Y/N, don't—!"
I decided to open it, but soon realized that, that wasn't the best idea.
    Every single memory come flowing back to me all at once, as I feel onto my knees and screamed.

Everything at once—playing in my mind like a rapid slideshow of my life. Every moment, every memory...

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