2- 42. It's Not Over Yet

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He tried to convince me of getting out of the building, but I didn't listen. All that mattered is that I got to the Grigori as soon as possible, and eventually, we reached the doors of the giant debate-room.

Though, I heard someone trying to prove a point—moreover, yelling at the Grigori.
They sound so familiar...
And then it hit me.
Arthur A. Angel was in there, right now.


Apparently Amaimon was curious to know why he was in there as well, and listened in with me, leaning against the large door.
    "I demand that we initiate this plan now!" He retorted to the Grigori as they fell silent for a few seconds.
    "Sir Angel, we cannot allow you to do that until you have proof of where the boy is, and why you intend to do such actions as well." The Grigori replied, sounding firm, like they had made their final choice on something.
For some reason, as the room we listened in fell quiet once again, I thought I could feel a smile form on the bastard's face.
    "Trust me, I don't need proof," he began slowly. "I have witnesses. They are of course not here right now, but I know where they are. And adding to that, they have who we need."
    The Grigori responded with genuine interest. "And where might they be...? In fact—who are these witnesses you speak of?"
    Sir Angel let out a small chuckle.
"Actually, a certain young man who works with you, lives with the target–as I have found out recently. In fact..."
He paused. "They're brothers."
    At that exact moment, I knew exactly who they were talking about, and my eyes widened, as if I had just relived a memory of death.
    "So how have you gathered this information?" The Grigori asked.
    "I have... A source," he said, sounding almost as if he was questioning his statement.
    "Ah! And that's not even the best part," He remembered.
    The Grigori stayed quiet for an answer.
"They also have a girl living with them as well. I believe her name was..." He thought for a moment, and I dreaded what he was about to conclude.
"Y/L L/N. Or Mephisto Pheles's daughter—I should say."
My heart shattered, and I felt my lungs completely go sore.
"And all we need is the target: Rin Okumora."
     I felt an emotion well up inside me quickly—one of rage and hatred. It drove me over the edge.
Before Amaimon could eagerly stop me, I kicked open the giant doors, only to reveal myself and the demon to Sir Angel and the Grigori.
    "You're not laying a damn finger on my best friend, you hear me?!" I screamed, making them all turn to me.
    The Grigori just seemed shocked while Sir Angel asked with anger, "What in God's name are these brats doing in here?"
    "I came to talk to the Grigori. But it seems like I can't do such a thing now that you're here." I mumbled almost threateningly, stepping closer to the blonde man.
    "Y/N, let's go," Amaimon said, putting a hand on my shoulder, signaling that we should get out of there.
But that wasn't happening on my watch.
"Not until I speak to the Grigori. So, Sir Angel, I suggest that you move your ass out of my way." I counseled with an irate tone, stepping closer almost threateningly.
    I tried to get past the head of the knights, but before I could even step foot on the pedestal to talk, Amaimon grabbed my collar and flung me back into him.
    "Y/N, I'm serious. We need to leave before–"
     But as he started to give reasons to go, he was cut short by the doors flying open loudly, only to reveal not only Yukio, but Rin as well with his red katana case on his back.
    "Before they find you gone..." the green demon finished quietly, knowing that we were both screwed.
    My eyes widened as I made eye contact with the male gunslinger. I also turned my gaze over to Rin, where he too, was looking straight back at me.
    Yukio swiftly strode over to me with a concerned, yet raging expressing.
     While he did, I expected to get a reprimand, but...
    In fact, he didn't yell. Nor did he pull out his guns. All he did was embrace me tightly, and never let go—as if his life depended on it.
    "God—I'm so glad you're okay..." he muttered into my neck.
    I stayed stiff as a stick, asking myself why he clearly wasn't exactly as mad as I thought he would be.
    "Y–You're not angry...?" I questioned almost silently.
    He pushed away and gripped my shoulders, looking deep into my eyes with his teal glassy ones.
    "Of course I am—I'm fucking pissed!" He yelled, raising his voice a little too high, making me jump. "But all that really matters is that you're safe..."
He then mumbled assuringly into my ear.
"But we have to go. I don't want you to get hurt," he said as he grabbed my hand softly and lead me out of the court room slowly with Rin following.
    I did not want to go—and in fact, I hadn't even had my say in Rin yet.
But whatever Sir Angel was talking about, I'd find out.
As we exited, I gave a backwards glance to Amaimon who avoided eye contact, and then shot my gaze over to Sir Angel.
    His smile is one that made my heart burn furiously to these hours. One that said:
    This isn't over just yet.

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