2- 44. Lethal Arguments

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RECAP: Hello~! I just wanted to thank you all for almost 18k reads. I feel like I have a connection between all of my readers! I'm so thankful to have you guys, and without you, I wouldn't be here today! Again, thank you for your kind, supportive votes, and not to mention: hilarious comments. They always make me laugh! Anyway, I love you all—keep reading and enjoy!

As I stepped on the pedestal with Rin beside me, with his gentle hand on my back, I was ready for any objections that awaited me.
And as I scanned the Gigori, who I found was more absurd and nerve wracking than surprising.
Sir Angel gave me a nefarious grin.


The entire hall went dead silent once more, and the shushing began to stop as well.
The Grigori spoke up and said, "Miss
Y/N, you have been brought here today by the letter you had received this morning, is that correct?"
I nodded. "Yes."
Don't screw up, don't screw up...
"And you do also admit to breaking into the hall last night with someone who had not been allowed on this property since nine months ago?"
I cleared my throat. "Well, I admit that I did not know they were not aloud on these grounds. Nor do I think we broke in. The doors were unlocked, and we both did not know that–"
"Silence!" The female member of the Grigori shouted, making me jump.

It honestly scared me a bit—knowing that this would not be easy.

Apparently Rin had discerned my stress and put a hand on my back softly, making me feel a little more calm about the entire situation going on.
I paused and finally said quietly, "Yes... I admit to doing my unforgivable actions, and taking part in something I should not have done."
"And do you also admit to entering this hall and interrupting an important meeting between Sir Angel and the Grigori?"
I kept my cool and said, "Yes."
Some people started to yell, and soon enough, the entire court hall was filled with shouting and complaining.
This must be a lot more of a big deal than I thought it was.

The male member smashed his mallet three times on the desk loudly, causing everyone to shut their traps.
The man then sighed, "Witness, please come to the stand."

My heart immediately then dropped, knowing who this witness was.

Sir Angel stepped into the pedestal next to me with a grin of pride as many ladies swooned over him in the crowd.
The features on my face flushed pale white by his unnecessarily close presence.
     Rin somehow noticed my discomfort once more and forcefully pushed himself between the head of the knights and I, then placing his hand on my shoulder for solace again.
I could still feel the creep's gaze on me, thus I did not turn to him.

"Sir Author A. Angel, would you like a say in this matter?"
He smirked. "Most definitely, Your Honor."
Another advocate of the Grigori spoke up. "Any objections from the audience shall be considered and compromised. Proceed, Sir Angel."
He cleared his throat and shot a look at me. "As a witness—and victim—of the break in, I feel that I should have a say in Miss Y/N's... Limitations." He began.
My eyes widened. "Limitations"...?
"... Go on." The Grigori complied.
"You see, I believe that Miss Y/N should not be allowed on these grounds until further notice. I also think that she should be under house arrest until we can resolve everything–"

"Not happening," Rin cut in abruptly.
His sudden words shocked me. "Rin, please–"
"Y/N is perfectly capable of handing herself, she doesn't need a shock collar like a dog. She was just trying to help—all she wanted to do was talk to you, Your Honor." He defended.
Sir Angel gladly argued with the statement.
    "Would you rather I be her bodyguard, then? She wouldn't go anywhere as long as I was with her."
Rin look like he had snapped, and surely, he did. He grabbed Arthur by the collar and pulled him close.
"She's mine. If you even as much lay a finger on her, I'll–"
"Gentleman!" The female honor shouted, pounding her mallet on the desk one time.

Rin grunted and pulled off the man, tightening his grip around my hand that he took.

One advocate of the Grigori finally spoke fairly. "Though your objections may be reasonable, one may argue they are unnecessary. But I do consider her to be banned from this property the minute after the court case is closed. So if L/N
Y/N has anything to say, she may say it now."

I felt all eyes turn to me. Especially Rin's.

I took a deep breath. "Thank you, Your Honor," I started. "The reason why I had shown up the night before was because I had to talk to you about an important matter. Though, apparently Sir Arthur had the same plan. Yes, I do admit to eavesdropping, as well as opening the doors at a bad time. But you see, what I wanted to talk about may not be suitable for an audience to hear."
I looked straight at the judges. "Especially if it rats you out."

I wasn't sure if they had caught onto my claim or not, but either way, they probably had a lot of dirt on them that could lead to anything.
But I guess they didn't care.
Maybe making deals with lethal "people" was already known.
I could see each of them give side glances to each other, then exchange them with a nod.
"Well, Miss Y/N, w'ed like to hear what you have to say."

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