2- The Begining

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RECAP: I'm sorry you're probably all suffering rn LOL have fun getting your wigs back

     The class cried—Bon hugging Shiemi as she cried uncontrollably, Izumo on her knees and Shima comforted her emotionally.
    The rest of them were speechless.
    Yukio was down—his face in his hands.
    After that, everything became blurry.

Nothing was ever how it had been.


I woke in to my alarm clock screaming in my ear as I shifted in my bed and smashed the snooze button. "Ugh... I'm so tired." I mumbled to myself.

Just a normal day. One that repeats itself, really.

I got out of bed sluggishly and looked in my full-body mirror.
I was in a shirt and cloth shorts with my hair all over the place like I'd been mauled my lions.
I huffed in exhaustion and headed to my kitchen. I opened the cabinet to find whole grain, plain cereal.

Once I touched it to take it down, I felt something inside of me spark. Like I remembered where something was; but that wasn't the case, either.
I shrugged it off and placed the cereal on my counter.

It's weird... I feel like I'm missing something.

I looked around my crappy, small apartment to try and figure it out, but I didn't feel any different.
All of a sudden, I heard a loud knock at the door, making my soul jump out of my body.
With a sigh, I ambled over to the entrance, unlocked the chain, and opened the door. I was to be greeted by a tall male about my age with glasses, brown hair, and lots of freckles and moles. It was very cute, actually.

He looks familiar... Where have I seen him before?

"Uh... Good morning," I said, "how can I–"
Before I could finish, he hugged me tightly, as if it was a lover's last goodbye.
"Y/N, your okay... I'm–"

I cut him off by pushing him off my me and slapping him harshly, covering myself.
He seemed confused, yet immensely concerned.
"Who the hell are you?! You can't just go around touching people like that!" I remarked, stomping a foot.
He took a few steps back.
"No... No, no, no!" He cursed, rubbing his temple and placing his hand on the wall for support. "Damn it... They were right." He muttered with anger.
He seemed very worried. Though he was a strange—yet oddly familiar—guy, I decided to at least ask what was wrong.
"Excuse me... Are you alright?" I questioned awkwardly. "And 'they'? Who is 'they'? You must have the wrong person..."
He looked straight into my E/C eyes. "'They?' The council. The Vatican HQ. Whatever you want to call them..." He strolled into my house liked he owned the place, seeming to be tense as he paced the floor.
"Hey, hey! You can't just–"
He stopped in his tracks and said abruptly, "Y/N, you've completely lost your memory."

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now