4. The Demon Game

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Finally, everyone had gone back to their tent with a full stomach. I told them to go to bed early, since we had a surprise game tomorrow. I fell asleep peacefully, knowing that Y/N knows that I really do care.
More than anyone else under the sun.




"Mommy, why are you crying?"
My mother was sitting on the floor with a beer bottle in her hand, and she had been sobbing for almost an hour.
"M-Mommy's okay. Don't worry about it."
She faked a smile. Even the fakest of her sweet grins were unforgettable.
I then shifted my feet awkwardly, saying quietly, "But... I don't like when you cry..."
"Just go upstairs, Y/N! Leave me alone!" She demanded loudly, throwing the empty bottle near my feet, making it shatter into pieces.
I held my brown stuffed bear tight and walked upstairs swiftly, my heart racing for my own mother.
Her sobs turned into loud wails as I heard the sound of another bottle breaking, then a loud thud.
My small six year old feet smacked the hard wood on the stairs as I sprinted back down.
My mother lay on the floor from another bottle that hit her head. The glass was spread all over the floor once more, and a few drops of blood here and there were painted on the floor.

All of a sudden, I heard sirens outside and car doors slamming.
The neighbors must have heard yelling.
I didn't even cry, I was so confused.
I dropped my bear and kneeled down by her as the door slammed open and the ambulances took her.

When she woke up two days later, she had almost forgotten everything.
She was never, ever the same after that.


I sat up slowly in my uncomfortable bed, my eyes fluttering open.
I never realized how hard the earth's ground was until now.

I then rubbed my E/C eyes and stood up, realizing Shiemi and Izumo weren't in the tent anymore, so I knew that everyone was already up.
I sighed and got dressed into my uniform, looking into the small mirror and took a good gaze at myself.
Do I keep having those flashback dreams? It doesn't make sense. They've only just started once I came here to the academy grounds.

Shiemi suddenly poked her head into the tent greeting, "Oh, good morning. I thought I heard shuffling in here. Come on, Yukio is going to explain the game." She smiled.

Before I followed her out, I checked the time.
Are you kidding me?! I slept in!
I ran out of the tent, only to find that everyone was staring at me.
Fantastic. I hate myself.
"Good morning, Y/N. Somebody was tired." Yukio waved with a kind smile.
"G-Good morning." I said awkwardly, sitting next to Rin on the grass.
"Alright, let me explain the game. This is a game with combat, and lower level to middle level demons. Though, they aren't real demons, they're... Holographic, I guess you could say. If during combat you give up or things get out of hand, the demon with disappear, or," He pulled something out of his pocket, "You light one of these and throw it up in the air." He held up a matchbox and showed us matchsticks with a white tip on them.
"Though, if you do that because you give up, you will lose a point. Points are what you get every time you kill a demon. You gain one point for a lower level demon, and two for a middle level. A small computer generated bar will appear above the demon after you've killed it and show you how many points you gained. The person who comes back with the most points by 12:00am, wins and will move onto the next level. Any questions?" Yukio asked confidently.
Izumo instantaneously raised her hand and asked, "What if your in combat by the time it turns 12:00?"
Yukio pushed up his glasses.
"Good question. The demons are on what is like a timer, they will disappear at 12:00. If you are in combat between you and a demon, the demon will disappear and you will not get the point." He explained. "Anyways, we will be training until 6:00 tonight and then all of you will be off and spread out into the woods."

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