2- 38. "Kidnapped"

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"Y/N, don't run away like that! You made me so..."
    Before he could finish, his eyes widened at someone in front of us. Mine did, too.
It was a tall boy with black hair and a long red case around his back, skimming the spine of a book by Miranda Kenneally called:
    Things I Can't Forget.


It can't be. No... No, he's dead.
    My mind trailed off down memory lane, and I retrospected on exactly what had happened that night.
"Demons can't die, remember?"
    That disgusting voice echoed in my head, on and on.

I couldn't contain my tears, and I tried to hold on, but I failed.
The tears fought their way out of my eyes, and I bolted for Rin, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly and repeatedly saying his name and how I was sorry.
    Yukio stood with a frown, and didn't care if he knew I knew who Rin was, just that...
    He was right there.
"The hell—get off me!" Rin retorted and shoved me off him, making me fall the the ground as I was wordless for his actions.
Yukio kneeled beside me and helped me up.
    "Y/N, are you okay?" He asked sincerely, though shooting a glare at Rin. "What the hell's wrong with you? You can't just push her down like that!" Yukio said defensively, poking Rin on his chest.
"What the hell is wrong with me?! Tell your friend not to jump on random people like that!" He scoffed angrily, shoving Yukio back.
Yukio realized something.
    Then I did too.

Rin had no memory of us.

"I can't believe this. That damned Vatican HQ... They'll pay for this." Yukio mumbled and then turned his head to me.
"And you," he narrowed his eyes. "How do you remember Rin? You never told me you did."
His glare was almost threatening,
piercing through my soul.
"I was... I was just about to tell you until I saw him." I answered hesitantly, trying to find better words for it.
"You couldn't have just told me, and then tell me that you just saw him?!"
"I couldn't lose sight of him!" I defended as I crossed my arms, taking a step forward.

A few seconds later of arguing, Rin tried to walk away slowly, but Yukio pulled him back by his collar.
"You're not going anywhere, Flame Princess," he told him as he dragged Rin out of the bookstore as Rin tried to make the boy let go of him, but nothing had worked.
"Let go of me!" He yelled, attempting to get away.

Yukio turned the corner as I followed, placing us in a small alleyway and loosening his grip on Rin.
    "Who are you?!" The humanized demon asked irately.
"Us? Only the friends that you've known for your whole life! Moreover, I'm your brother!" Yukio announced straightforwardly, almost annoyed at the fact that Rin hadn't remembered him even though the fault lied on somebody unrelated to the boy.
"Yeah, no way! I am not falling for that, Mole Face." Rin spat.
"Oh, yeah? What did you do yesterday? And who's your family? How did you get here, anyways?" Yukio questioned almost mockingly.

Rin opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again.
    "I... I–I don't know. But that doesn't mean that she's my 'friend' and you're my 'brother'."
"Try me." Yukio said, pushing up his glasses.
Rin squinted his eyes and tested, "Alright. Tell me something only my brother would know."
Yukio smirked to his own advantage. "You're a demon. That red case has a katana in it that controls your flames, and you love to cook."
Rin's expression turned from confident to surprise in less than a second. "W–Well, what about you, Clingy Girl?" Rin asked me.
"Your middle name is Opalla, and you're kind of a jerk." I replied bluntly, only shrugging at the fact that I was being honest.

Rin was dumbfounded and almost as confused as I was about the entire thing.
    "No, you're totally screwing with me. Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to go–"
Before Rin could walk off, Yukio pulled him back and landed a hard punch on him, sending him to the ground and swiftly pulling out sleeping powder, which he sprinkled on his face—nonetheless, knocking the poor guy out.

"Yukio!" I hissed nervously, tugging on his shirt.
"What?" He questioned, genuinely curious of what I was so anxious about.
"Y–You knocked him out?! There could have been a better way to... I don't know, go to the park and talk or something!"
"Oh, we are not going to the park—we are going back to the apartment and then talking to him. Then we can talk about those memories of yours." He said quietly, almost harsh.

"Well... How are we going to get him back without anyone noticing?" I asked, shaking my head.
"...That's the hard part."


Feeling lightheaded, I huffed in exhaustion against the apparent door.

Turns out, it's really not that hard waking through a huge crowd with a "drunk" looking—almost—eighteen year old on your shoulders.

"Well, that was a trek." I sighed quietly to myself.
I strolled over to Yukio where he set down Rin on the couch and rolled his shoulders.

"I'm surprised we didn't get reported or something."
"No, he just looks like a immature young adult high off drugs."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." He replied, looking like he was thinking about something.

I stayed silent, knowing what he was about to bring up.

"Y/N... How did you know that was Rin?"
And there it is.
I felt the hat rise to my cheeks. Not from flattery or blushing, just utter nervousness.

"Well, I, um... While you were gone I–well, we had a visitor..." I stuttered.
Yukio pushed his glasses up.   
"How did you...—"
"He told me he would come here. Let's just say that he's... Not too fond of me—or Rin, for that matter."
"But... Technically, he helped me. Aren't you happy?" For some reason, his attitude made me snap. It seemed like he didn't even want me to get my memories back.
He scratched the back of his neck with fake smile. "Of course I am. I just–"

Before anything more could come out of his lying mouth, he was interrupted by a familiar, drowsy voice.
   "What the hell... Where am I?"

And Rin saves your ass once again, Gunslinger.

"Oh, you're awake," I said as I leaned against the back of the couch.
"You again? And him?!" He yelled in annoyance. "That's it, I'm out of here–"

Rin had bolted off the couch, but Yukio grabbed him before he could even put his hand on the doorknob.

"Rin, you have nowhere to go, so technically this is your only choice."
"No way! I'd rather live on the streets than live here with my kidnappers." He retorted melodramatically.
"So you'd rather starve on the streets, and when it rains, have no roof, than live in a nice apartment with your brother and childhood friend?" Yukio questioned cleverly, making Rin stop struggling.
"Fine. But I want an explanation now."
Yukio sighed, and let go of Rin. "You see, there is this... Organization called the Vatican HQ, which pretty much controls the entire exorcist institution. I don't know why, but for some reason they erased your memory like Y/N's. For example, where did you wake up this morning?"
"Uh... In my bed. I have an apartment." Rin answered, sounding bored.
"In this case, that means that you've have your memory wiped for almost as long as Y/N's. You remembered where you woke up this morning, and maybe some time before that too." Yukio paused. "But it doesn't explain exactly why they erased your memory. I mean, Y/N had hers erased—in which I'm guessing—she had seen too much. But you..."
I cut in.
    "Yukio is right. There was no reason for your memory to be erased–"
Yukio interrupted me with a topic that I really should have remembered. "No—I mean, yes, you are also right, but Rin..." he finished, "You died. And we're taken back to Gahenna by our father, Satan."
"Wait, what?! That's awesome! My father is the devil himself–"

Yukio butt in to Rin's fanboying and made him completely change his mind.   
    "No, Rin. You were killed by him."
The demon boy went speechless.
    "But Yukio, how did he get back into our world then?" I asked, genuinely concerned.
"Well, I guess that's simple," He began.
"Satan struck a deal with the Vatican HQ."

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now