2- 29. Friends From The Past

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I dropped the blue flower that I picked up onto the ground and was almost shaking from shock.

What... What the hell was that?

"Y/N, are you okay?" Yukio asked eagerly and put a hand on my shoulder. "Have you... Have you remembered something, maybe?"
I paused, staring at the flower on the ground.
"... Of course not."


I could feel his gaze burning a hole through my temple.
"... Alright. Well, should we be back on our way?" He asked. I could tell that he was onto me, but he still had his internal doubts.
"Um... Yeah. Let's go." I nodded slowly.

He gently took my hand again and led me back out, only to keep walking to our destination's direction once again. Luckily, he walked at a slower, less rushed pace this time so I could walk next to him.
I still can't take in that flashback... I thought, still shaken about what happened.
    It was so clear. I remember everything.
I remember screaming for some reason... It was at someone. Though I wasn't angry. I think I was making a promise. And I think Yukio was in it, too...

I looked up to my left to see Yukio's face. Though I didn't realize I was staring, because he caught me looking at him.   
     Immediately after our eyes met, I blushed and looked away.
I could feel his eyes kept on me.
     All of a sudden, when I put my hands in my pocket, I felt something.

A thin piece of paper maybe?

I slowly pulled it out, but before I could take it out completely, I had another flashback.

"I sure as hell am your daughter."
"I've never been in love before. Now get out and quit wasting my time."
    It was that man from my other flashback... The clownish looking one. And then an image of a beautiful woman that looked a little like me...
Then I remembered.
     My mother. That was my mother.
    She died... A long time ago. That's why I was screaming... But that's it. All I can remember is her...

Suddenly, I was brought back to reality by Yukio. I hadn't realized that I stopped walking and doing anything all at once.
    "Are you okay? Something' on your mind?" He questioned.
    "... It's... It's nothing." I replied with my voice a little shaky.
    He paused for a few seconds until he started to walk again.
    I knew I should have told him.
    But something serious held me back.


Once we got to the large apartment building, he led me inside to the front desk and checked in.
    "Oh, Mr. Okumora, there was a whole bunch of people who went checked in to your room. I hope you and your girlfriend don't mind, but I did let them in." The slim young lady behind counter notified with a smile, fiddling his the pen in her hand.
When she said "girlfriend" my heart skipped a beat and made me blush madly.   
I waved my hands frantically for reassurances. "I... I'm not—we're not—"
    Yukio cut me off.
    "Thank you for telling me. I was aware that they were coming." He said as he took me to the elevator and pressed the 17 button.
I started to feel myself breaking a sweat and getting hot.
    Am I nervous? Why? Is it because there's people in his apartment?
    What if... What if they're all creepy guys?!
Yukio glanced over to me a noticed me looking red. "Do you have a fever or something?" He asked as he put the back of his hand on my forehead.
    "Oh—no! I'm fine..." I responded quickly, slapping his hand away. He looked offended for a moment, but soon relaxed.
Those had been the longest thirty seconds of my life.

I stepped out of the elevator and awkwardly followed Yukio to his apartment.
    We stopped at room 113 and he immediately swiped his key card in the slot, and I heard the door unlock with a loud cuchunk.

He signaled me to go inside, so I did. His apartment wasn't anything special, but I wasn't bad, either.
    In fact, it was really homey and beautiful. There was perfect natural lighting from the glass doors that led to a small porch, and the place was neat and organized. Beside everything else, there was also a few people lying around lazily.
A guy with a shaved head sitting on the couch, a girl with very dark purple hair and Levi's jeans looking at the inside of a book, another guy with light pink hair who was supposedly talking to another boy who had short brown hair with the top dyed blond.
    There was one last girl who was standing next to the other one. She had medium blond hair with a few clips in it and spring-formal dress.

They all stopped and stared before their eyes lit up. "Y/N..." the shaved-haired boy muttered in awe.
    Pink Hair looked me up and down. "Even more beautiful than the last time we saw her, huh?" He said to his friend, but I could clearly hear him.
    "Dude, you're creepin' her out. My god, don't you–"
    the guy with the shorter hair got interrupted by the girl with blond hair sobbing loudly and running over to me. She hugged my waist tightly and started to wail.
    "Y/N, I'm s–so happy to see you! I'm so, so, so g–glad you're okay..." She sniffled. I stood in her arms, stiff as a stick.
    I pushed her off me lightly, genuinely a little weirded out, but had a feeling of relief. I gave an awkward smile and said, "Well... I'm Y/N." I shuffled my feet.
    "We know." The girl with the tank top commented.
    "Oh... Right." I scratched my head.
There was some sort of weird tension in the air until Yukio broke it. "Anyway, you should all introduce yourselves."
    We all gathered around. I sat on the couch with Yukio, Blonde Hair sat next to us, Tank Top sat to our left, and the boys sat across. We started to pass along our names clockwise.
    They skipped Yukio and I.
    "Shima." He finished.
    For some reason I felt something missing.
     Or... maybe someone.
All of a sudden, I had another vision.
"You're no match for me, Rin Opalla Okumora."
"I'm not a pervert! You want a beat–down?!"
    I heard those voices echo in my head.
    An image of me sat in a circle with all of these people popped up.
    I was about sixteen, and so were the rest of them. We were all laughing and smiling, but there was one face I couldn't make out. They were just blurry to me... I felt a terrible pain in my chest as I thought of it.

And then I snapped out of it.

"Are you okay, Y/N? You're looking a bit... Pale." Shiemi asked, genuinely concerned.
"I... I'm fine. I think I just need some rest." I wiped my hand on my forehead as if I was burning up.

"We should go, anyway. It's late." Bon said as he checked his watch. They all agreed and started to leave one by one.
"Take care of yourself, Y/N." Bon surprisingly hugged me tightly, looking into my eyes deeply and then left, awaiting for the others.
"Get some sleep, okay?" Shiemi and Izumo assured.
"Have a nice night, Y/N." Shima smiled.
    "S... See you, Y/N," Konekomaru waves kindly, but avoided eye contact out of what seemed to be sadness.

Once they all left, Yukio started to rummage through his fridge.

He tossed me F/F and said, "Hungry? I know that's what you like."
"It is... Thank you." I nodded and started to eat at the small table on the ground.
     The pillows on the floor were really comfortable, making a relaxing and homey aura. "How'd you know this was my favorite food?"
"I was kind of..." He stopped for a moment. "Close with you." He finished, leaning back.

I stayed silent for a minute. "Hey, Yukio?"
He looked up. "What is it?"
"Can..." I hesitated. "Can you tell me about the past?"

It's Been A While (Yukio X Reader X Rin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now