12. After Six Months

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I wonder... What will Yukio think?
Will he find out that I left? I wonder if Rin or Shiemi will ever call me... Maybe it's best not to think about it.
This is life my now. No more demons or exorcists...
The only thing that bothers me is Yukio... Because... I still love him, just as much as Rin.


It's been six months since I got back home. No calls from Shiemi or anybody. Well, actually—never mind.
    Maybe the class wouldn't let Shiemi call me, or she just didn't want to.
Or maybe she just... Doesn't care anymore.
    Not that I do, either.

Anyways, since it was a Sunday, my aunt and her husband were at work because they get Fridays off instead, so I was alone in the house. I headed downstairs not caring if I had a bedhead, or was only wearing a bra and shorts even, though people could probably see me through the window, or if I looked like I hadn't had any sleep in a decade.

I walked sluggishly to the kitchen to make myself some cereal before I heard a loud knock at the door.
    Might be a psychopath, but I've got nothing to lose.

I opened the door to a boy about my age with green hair, who to me looked an awful lot like–
     "Amaimon? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked in annoyance—yet shock.
    How did he even find my address?
    "Good morning, Y/N. I hope you don't mind if I come in," he said as he waltzed into my house carelessly.
    "What? Of course I mind! Get out of my house! I don't want to be around your creepy ass. I don't even want to be reminded of that academy." I retorted.
    "Oh, I remind you of the academy? How sweet of you to say. Well, anyways, I thought that you might want some company since your parents are at work." He stated, and sat on the living room couch as if it was his.
    I clenched my shorts. "They're not my parents. And for the last time, g–"
    "I only came here because I was worried about you," he cut in quickly, leaning his head back. "And I wanted to see what that lady had done to the innocent and stubborn girl I've once known," he glanced back at me and looked straight into my E/C orbs.
    The gaze made my heart ache. The way he held it deeply for seconds felt like years.
    I paused, glancing away. "W-Well, don't. I don't need anyone to worry about me." I mumbled.
    "Well, it's not only me," he began with a breathless sigh. "Clearly someone else has been worrying about you, too."
    I looked back to see him hold up my phone, pointing out my "137 missed calls from Yukio".
    "What the—give me that," I snatched the phone out of his hand quickly, got a stool, and put it on top of the fridge. I put the stool away so neither of us could reach the phone without it.
    "So I was right. You have been avoiding him." He claimed in his monotonous voice, resting his hands on his nape.
    I looked back up at the phone and sighed. "It's... It's really not like that. I just..." I trailed off, trying to come up with an explanation.
    "You want to go back. Don't bullshit me, Y/N." He guilted, rolling his eyes.
    My vision started to get blurry. "I do... I really do..." I sat next to him on the couch and put my face in my hands. "But at the same time, I don't..." I felt a lump in my throat start to form.
All of a sudden, my phone started to vibrate on top of the fridge and fall onto the tiled floor of the kitchen, making it crack, but I didn't care.
     It vibrated rapidly on the ground, waiting for me to pick it up.
    "If I were you, I would answer it." Amaimon asserted.
    I groaned, threw my head back, and then sighed. Walking over to it hesitantly, I then picked it up.
    The caller ended the attempt to call me, and soon after I saw the notification: "138 missed calls from Yukio".
    I looked back at Amaimon and he nodded for me to continue.
    Nonetheless, I called him back and he picked up immediately.
    "Why do you keep calling me?" I asked in annoyance. But what I really wanted to say was how much I missed all of them, and how I still loved him and Rin, but I had a feeling that I was on speaker to everyone since he probably just got back.
    "Y/N!" He gasped, supposedly making a thud from the noise in the background.    "I was so worried about you. I just got back and... And they told me you left. Why?" He asked curiously.
    Those bastards. They must have told him I left intentionally. For some reason, it didn't make me too mad though. They had their reasons.
    "Ah. They didn't tell you. Well, they kicked me out because I was a burden to them. But they had a good reason. I dragged them into problems that weren't theirs, and I felt guilty for it and knew that they were right, so I left. I'd like to hang up now."
    I could hear them arguing with each other after I said that. The fighting got louder and louder, especially hearing Bon, and Shiemi trying to calm everyone down.
    I ended the call.
    "Why'd you–"
    "Amaimon, get out." I muttered with finality. "I mean it. Tell them that I don't want to see any of them. And tell Yukio to stop calling me."
    "No can do, Y/N. I came here to bring you back, and I won't leave until that task is completed." He whisked the phone out of my hand and called Yukio.
    I gasped, trying to reach the phone out of his hand on my tip-toes. "A-Amaimon! Give me–"
    To my surprise, Rin picked up a few seconds after.
    "Hello? This is Amaimon speaking."
    "Amaimon, stop it! I told you to get out of my house! Give me my–"
    "Sorry, you can probably hear Y/N in the background." Amaimon apologized and used his "earth shield" crap to get me from taking the phone away.
    He put the phone on speaker. "Amaimon? Why are you in her house? Is she okay?" Rin asked, seeming worried.
    The arguing and fighting had stopped in the background, growing silent with a few people shushing each other so they could hear.
    "Just a few bruises and cuts here and there on her skin, but nothing more. And that bandage is still there; both of them." He explained.
   "Wait, how can you see the bandages?"
Rin questioned angrily.
    "She's in her bra. What, are you jealous that I get to see her like this?" He smirked, giving me a side wink.
    Now I remember why he always pissed me off.
    I decided to cut in and scold. "Shut up, you pervert. These are my pajamas! And I'm fine, though there is no reason for any of you to care. It's not like any of you ever did, anyways." I spat.
    The phone went quiet until, "Rin, give me that–" I heard shuffling for a few seconds. "Y/N, please come back. I'll talk to Mephisto and the council and–" I heard people yelling and complaining that I shouldn't come back. It was really just Bon, though. Or at least, that's who I could hear.
    "Yukio... If it's all the same to you, they don't want me to come back. I'm sure you do, and I appreciate that, but they don't. I'm not coming back, that's my final decision." I stated and snatched the phone back from Amaimon.
    "Well, at least let me see you again!"
    "I don't think that's a good idea. My aunt will find out."
    "She's at work," Amaimon cut in. I glared at him and he smiled slyly.
    "Well, if we leave now then we'll be there–"
    I heard Bon and Shima in the background say, "We?! There is no we or us–"
    "We'll be there soon!" And he hung up.
    "Well, now it's settled. They're coming here." Amaimon declared.
    I threw my phone across the room in frustration. "God, he hasn't changed at all." I muttered, standing up straight.
  "I'm going to get dressed."
    Before I could walk up the stairs, Amaimon remarked, "I think you look better like that."
    I glared at him. "Screw you."
    I went up to my room and locked the door as my heart sank into my stomach.
    What am I going to do?
    When they all arrive here they're all just going to give me a death glare the whole time. Though, I don't blame them. I've put them in harm's way too many times.

I got dressed into leggings and an over-sized T-Shirt and kept my messy hair down.
    I walked back downstairs and waited for them on the couch with Amaimon. We sat there in awkward silence while he sucked on a lollipop.
    "Are you nervous?" He asked.
    "Uh—well... Knowing that most of them hate me, yes, a little."
    "Good point."


We waited for about an hour and a half until we heard a knock at the door.
    I looked out the side window to see who it was, and it was someone I was definitely not expecting.
    Aunt Ikuno.
   "Oh my god. Amaimon, go to my room, I'll be upstairs in a minute. Don't make a sound."
    "I'll be waiting," he winked, waving a hand.
    My aunt pounded on the door and yelled, "Y/N, if you don't open the door in less than five seconds, you'll have another bruise on your arm!"

I scurried and panicked, trying to fix up the place as quickly as I could.
Crap, crap, crap... Amaimon of course you had to make a mess while we waited! I scanned the room to make sure I didn't miss anything.
    I hurried to the door to open it, only to be greeted by a hard punch on the arm. "S–Sorry I kept y–you waiting, aunt Ikuno..." I mumbled in pain.
    "God, this place is a mess." She complained quietly to herself.
What? I just cleaned it up!
    "What are you still doing here? Beat it." She retorted.
    "Um... Yes, aunt Ikuno..." I obliged, heading upstairs to my room.
   I walked in to find Amaimon sitting on my bed with a couple of his shirt buttons unbuttoned and his shoes taken off.
    I scowled at him in disgust. "That's not what I meant, you dimwitted asshole." I hissed.
    Just the thought of it sent a shiver down my spine.
    I picked up my phone and dialed Yukio's number. He picked up,
"Hey, Y/N. We're on our way. We should be there–"
    "No, no, no. Nope. Go back to the academy. My aunt just came home early." I panicked.
    "Well, then Amaimon can take you to the academy. We can meet back there." I heard the class complain in the background of going all the way back to the academy. I sighed in frustration. "Please, it's the only way to see you."
    I looked back at Amaimon, who semi-approved.
    "Screw it. Fine. But I'm not staying."
    "We'll see about that. Maybe I can change your min–"
    I hung up before he could say anything else.
    "That wasn't nice." Amaimon pointed out.
    "Whatever. Climb out my window and try not to draw attention to yourself, please? I'll meet you outside."
    And with that, he leapt out of my window.
    I grabbed my mother's picture and my phone and put them both in my pocket. I snuck downstairs quietly and tried to open the door before I got interrupted.    
    "Where do you think you're going?"
    I turned around slowly. "Uh... Out. I'm going out." I explained.
    She scanned me up and down, twiddling the beer bottle in her hand. "For how long?"
    "... An hour."
    She pulled me close by my shirt quickly, making me look away with a sour face. "If you're not back by exactly 4:00, you're in for a beating, got it?" She threatened.
    "Got it." I nodded, swallowing down my fear.
     She let go harshly and opened the door for me to leave.
    She slammed the entrance behind me as I called out, "Amaimon? You can come out now!" I heard him leap down from the trees, but I didn't know where.     
    God, would he stop messing aroun–

All of a sudden, I felt something pick me up by my hips and drape me over their shoulder.
    "A-Amaimon, what are you doing?!" I pounded my fists on his back.
    "Hold on tightly," he warned before jumping into the trees and swiftly leaping through all of them.
    How is it possible to go this fast?! We'll get there it no time if he goes this speed the whole way!
    Only, I realized... He's tiring himself out just for me.
   His badness seemed to fade away.
    Just for a moment.


About thirty minutes later, I started to recognize where we were. From the last tree, he jumped into the bridge where the dorm was on. It was only a few yards away from us.
    He set me down gently and held his knees while catching his breath.
    "Thank you, Amaimon. You didn't have to do that." I put a hand on his shoulder.
    He stood up straight and teased, "Well, you can repay me by showing me how much you love me by a sweet kiss–"
    I kicked him hard in the shin before he could say anything else. "In your dreams, doofus." I blushed.

A few seconds later, I walked up to the run-down building hesitantly, before knocking on the door lightly and awaiting for whoever was inside.

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