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The day went by slow which irritated me so much. Avi and Kirstie went out on a date and Kevin went bug hunting, leaving Mitch and I alone. Mitch was sitting in our room drawing and I was in the kitchen making sandwiches.

I instantly smelled depression but I tried my best to ignore it. It got stronger than I heard a thud. I ran to our room and didn't see Mitch anywhere. I followed his scent to the bathroom and opened the door. Luckily he didn't lock it. He was sitting in the corner with a blade next to him. I picked him up carefully and set him in my lap. He sobbed in my shirt while I inhaled his scent. His hair smelled like a vanilla and coconuts. I turned him so he would face with and he flinched but relaxed.

I slowly lifted up his shirt and saw fresh cuts, old cuts, and some bruises. I grabbed the first aid kit and cleaned and bandaged his wounds earning a flinch or groan from him every now and then. Once I was finished I carried him to the bed and sat him in my lap. "Promise me you'll try not to do that again. You are too beautiful to hurt yourself. You can always come to me, okay?" I whispered in his ear. He just nodded and sniffled.

It pains me to see him like this. "I'm sorry sir, you can take me back now. I know I'm worthless, I'm sorry for speaking to you, you can punish me now." He mumbled. His words broke my heart. I can't act like I don't care when I do, he's been through too much. "Fuck it." I mumbled and pressed my lips against his.

I swear I felt my brain explode into a million pieces. I pulled away slowly and looked into his gorgeous eyes. "Never doubt yourself Mitch. You are the most adorable and most rare Omega ever. Don't let anyone tell you different. And if they do, tell me so I can knock some sense into them." I said as he laughed. He quickly hugged me and whispered "Thank you Scottie." I blushed at the nickname and kissed his forehead.

For about an hour we got to know each other really well. Foods with gluten makes his stomach cramp but he doesn't know why, his old Alpha told him he has a phase  where he is super childish and fun for a few moments because of his adrenaline.I don't know if he can have kids or not but I hope he can. I mean I haven't even asked him out. Yet.

We went to the kitchen and made lasagna and gluten free bread sticks which turned out to be amazing. Mitch is a really great chef. After we ate we cleaned up the kitchen and watched The Spongebob movie. Surprisingly he has never seen it before, he said his old Alpha's wouldn't let him watch TV but his parents did when he was little. He was sitting on my lap watching the movie in awe. I felt him get lighter and realized he was asleep. I kissed his lips lightly and pulled him closer to my chest as he smiled in his sleep.

"AW. SCOTTIE BOY'S GOT A BOYFRIEND!" Avi yelled. "Will you keep it down he's asleep, he tried hurting himself and I'm not gonna let it happen. He needs to be shown love." I growled as I set him on the couch. He rolled his eyes and mumbled "You said the same thing about Alex." I can't believe he just brought that up. Kirstie went to her room clearly not wanting to be in the argument while Avi crouched down next to Mitch and stroked his face.

I growled as he kissed his forehead. I stepped forward but he stopped me. "Move any closer and his lips are mine." He said with a smirk. "You wouldn't." I barked. I felt my body clench as he brushed his lips against Mitch's causing him to shiver.

I grabbed him by his shirt collar and whispered in his ear "Keep your hands and lips to yourself bud, he's mine." Avi just smirked and chuckled "You kissed him didn't you?" I rolled my eyes and scooped up Mitch carrying him to our room. I laid him in the bed and I took a long shower, letting the hot water relieve my stress. I quickly changed and hopped in the bed. Mitch instantly moved closer to me. I subconsciously wrapped my arms around him and quickly fell asleep.

The things this boy does to me.

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