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Again I can't thank you guys so freaking much. I can't believe this book has gotten so far. Thank you all so much. And that pic is me XD. Anyway some Scavi moments for ya.

Scott's POV

I tossed and turned all not night. I've been having nightmares since Mitch ran away. I can't sleep without him. When this happened with Alex, I was fine. But with Mitch, everything is different. He changed my life. He showed me I could love again, he cared for me when I was down. I sighed and checked the clock 1:30 am.

I groaned and walked to Avi's room. I knocked and waited a few seconds for him to open it. He opened it and gave me a confused look but motioned me to come in. He shut the door and we sat on his bed. "You doing alright Scooter?" He asked. I shook my head, I gave a shaky breath. "Oh Scooter." He wrapped me in his arms, I cried quietly in his chest. "I love him Avi." He rubbed my back, I sniffled and moved into his arms more. He scooted back on his bed and opened his arms, I gratefully climbed into them.

"It'll be okay Scooter, I promise. I trust you. I'm just hard on you because I don't want you to turn out like me. I was the same way." He said as he rubbed circles on my back. I sniffled and he pulled me into his lap, comforting me. "Her name was Grace. She was an amazing Omega, almost perfect. She had soft brown eyes and long hair. She did her best for me, but I didn't do the same for her. In school we were love birds, it made some people sick but we didn't care. We were in love, or so we thought.

She was depressed and I didn't know it, one day we were on a mountain cuddling and watching the sunset. Her mind was everywhere and she started crying, I tried to comfort her but she wouldn't budge. I went to the car to get her a promise ring, I wanted to promise to take car of her. But she jumped off the mountain, I tried to to save her but I failed. She left me a note saying she loved me, how she cared for me and always will, but she explained everything. And I promised myself I would never love again, but then I met Kirstie. She was there for me, I felt like I had a second chance. But I'm being careful with her, same for you Scooter. We didn't know it would happen to Mitch."

He looked at me with tears in his eyes, I wiped them away quickly. "That's why I'm so hard on you Scooter, we both got a second chance. And I want you and me to work as a team to get him back, and to keep this Pack together no matter what." I nodded and laid my head on his chest. "Thank you Avi. That means a lot." I mumbled in his chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me tighter. "I love you Scooter, and I will never stop loving you. You are very important to me. You are an important part of this Pack." He stated, kissing my forehead. "Let's get some sleep okay, we'll come up with a plan to find Mitchie in the morning." I nodded and moved closer to him, finally feeling somewhat at peace.

Awe gotta love Scavi. I had to do a double, might do a triple tonight! Enjoy!

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