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Scott's POV

I looked at Mitch and saw his mark slowly fading, I smirked and looked at Avi who was growling. Mitch started drawing again, he seemed so determined to finished. I watched his facial features, his dimples poked out every time he would bite his lip.

What did I do to get so lucky?

His art is amazing. His face is so determined when he draws.  I feel bad that he lost his family, but I'm here for him. Avi watched him intensely biting his lip every now and then, but then he would look at me and stop. Kevin talked to Mitch more about the pictures to find out more information while Kirstie and I cleaned the house up. Avi stayed in the room with Kevin even though I insisted.

I was cleaning the tables when I smelled fear. I quickly ran upstairs and saw Avi pinning Mitch to the wall kissing his neck. Mitch squirmed under his grip. I yanked Avi by his neck and slammed him against the wall. I threw as many punches as I could, all of a sudden I felt the most painful kick to my face. He jumped on me and punched my jaw. Kevin tried to grab him but he socked him in the face. He went towards Mitch but Mitch knocked him out with an umbrella. He quickly ran over to me. "Are you okay baby?" He asked blushing after the nickname. I tried to get up but groaned. He pushed me down, grabbing a pillow and putting it under my head.

"Stay here. I'll be back."

I just groaned in response and sat there. A few minutes later he came back with the first aid kit. He grabbed my hand and put Neosporin on it, I guess I got cut somehow. He wrapped my hand and set it down. "No more owwies." He said with a smile. I chuckled and winced as he cleaned my face. "Sorry Scottie." He whispered. He finally finished and gave me an ice pack. "You'll be okay, just a few cuts and bruises. My mom taught me how to do this when I was little. It's part of Omega training. You need to rest for the next couple days. I'm sorry, I know you're an active person." I nodded in response as he helped me up and helped me to our room. I flopped on the bed and laid down. He smiled and gave me a hug. "Let me know if you need anything okay?" He said as he turned to leave.

"Wait Mitchie?"

"Yeah?" He said as he turned around.

"I actually do need something." I said biting my lip.

"What's that?" He asked coming closer.

"Well, my lip kinda hurts. Can you make it better?" I questioned.

He gave me a confused look "How?"

I motioned him closer until he was in front of my face. We both leaned in, the kiss was slow but filled with passion, I grabbed his hand softly and held it. We finally pulled away and he smirked. "Better?" He asked. I chuckled "Much better." He smiled and gave me one last kiss before going to check on Kevin.

I went to sleep thinking about how wonderful he is and how he helped me.

He saved me from Avi.

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