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The hotel. Fancy. Eh? EhNo?

Anyway, thank you for reading this book.


I opened the door and ran past Avi,grabbing Mitch.

"Put him down!" Avi growled through clenched teeth.

"Look here Kaplan, this is my Omega now yours So BACK OFF!"

"Either you give him to me or give him to the council!" He spat.

I groaned but didn't move.

"Don't hurt my Kitten." I growled,clinging to Mitch.

Avi rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Whatever, hand him over, you can have him some nights and some mornings. Depending on how you act but you can't get him tonight, so say goodbye for now. You crossed the line."

"Yes Sir." I groaned,rolling my eyes.

I kissed Mitch's forehead and glared at Avi.

"Take care if my baby Avi!"

He nodded before going into the hotel room next door.

"Be good Mitchie." I mumbled in his hair.

He nodded and gave me one last kiss before leaving.

I walked out of the hotel and walked to a nearby park to clear my mind.

Once upon a time
A boy with moonlight in his eyes
Put his hand in mine
And said he loved me so.

I hummed the song and walked back, realising it had gotten dark.

I went back to the hotel room and checked my phone. I only had a text from Kevin.

Kurvy: Hey bro, I met up with Toddy. I will be back in the morning!

I flopped on the bed and flipped through the channels.

Octonauts. No

Shark Tank. No

Shadow Hunters. No

Walking Dead. No

Seeing that nothing was on I turned it off and tried to sleep.


"Oh my gosh."


Moans kept coming from the wall.

I put a pillow over my ears but it didn't help much.

A few moments later the headboard was banging against the wall.

I curled my fist and took deep breaths.

"Stay Calm Scott. You'll see him tomorrow." I repeated to myself.

"Oh my f-AHHHH"

I plugged my headphones and phone in and listened to music.

"I swear Avi Kaplan. I will end you tomorrow." I mumbled, falling asleep.

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