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Hey guys, I just wanted to write another chapter for you before I go to sleep. I hope you don't mind, I might not post tomorrow since it's my birthday and I'm going to visit family. I hope you understand. I'm turning 16! I put the icing on it. And I just wanted to let you guys know I'm here if you ever need me. Just to vent, to talk, to cry, anything. I'm here. And thanks again so much for believing in me and this story.

Scott's POV

It's been two days and still nothing. Avi has been here for me and I really appreciate it. Yea I shared a bed with him, it's not the same without Mitch. But Avi is helping me keep my head up.

I was sitting on the couch watching TV with Avi, his arm wrapped around my waist while my head rested on his shoulder. Kevin ran in and sat by us. "They found him. Guys, they found Mitch. They are taking him to the council for a couple hours to get some information on what happened. They think he has Stockholm Syndrome. Poor kid. But he's coming home today." Kevin says quickly. Avi hugs me tighter and I cry tears of joy.

"I told you they would find him Scooter." Avi said as he got up. "Thanks Sergeant Kaplan. I appreciate it." I said smiling. He nodded and went upstairs. I went to my room and straightened things up. I took a long shower and changed into some gym shorts and a tank top. I flopped on my bed and listened to the words Mitch sang. I made a song out of it, I didn't have music yet but I sang the song the way Mitch did. I felt at peace, like he was with me. I put the song on repeat and slowly fell asleep.

I woke up to someone kissing on my face.  I groaned and tried to move them. "Avi if this is some kind of sick joke I'm gonna punch you in the face." I groaned, turning over. "You wouldn't punch your own Omega would you Scottie?" The voice said. Wait. "Mitch?" I rubbed my eyes and saw him standing there. I smiled and spun him around, kissing his face. "Don't ever scare me like that again. I am so so sorry for everything. I regret everything I said. I-" I got interrupted by him placing his lips on mine.

"Scottie, it's alright. I'm okay, they found me and I gave them all the information. I'll be okay, we'll be okay. I smiled and put the necklace back on him, hugging him tightly. " I never wanna you lose again." I mumbled in his neck. He chuckled, kissing my neck. "I'll make sure to stand by your side, I want you and only you." I smirked and looked at him. "You should be punished for running away from me." His eyes got wide and he ran for the door but i caught him before he could reach it. I playfully the him on the bed, tickling his sides. "Scott. S-Stop." He squealed through laughs. I chuckled and released ng fingers after a while.

"I missed you baby boy." I whispered before pressing his lips on mine. I felt the same way before, music filling my ears but stronger sound. Our fingers interlocked, passion filling every second. I pulled away, pulling his bottom lip with me and gave him one last peck. I traced the henna on his arm lightly. "Who drew this on you baby boy?" I whispered as he pulled me closer to him. "I did, I remember that symbol for some reason." I nodded and laid on the bed. Mitch crawled on top of me and pecked my lips. "I'm glad your back baby." I whispered, kissing his forehead. "Me too." He said with a cheeky smile.

My baby is back and in my arms. Oh what a relief it is to be with my Mitchie once again. My love. My Mitchie

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