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Double? ;)

Scott's POV

I don't even know how long it's been since Mitch got kidnapped. I lost count. Avi tries to talk to me but I push him away.I don't want to talk to anyone that's not Mitch at the moment. I've thrown glasses, I look like the Walking Dead, and I don't even know if I want to live anymore.

I've been laying in my bed for what seems like years. I held the picture of my and I kissing on his birthday as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Scott, they found him. They found Mitchie." Avi said as he ran in my room. I scoffed and shook my head. "It's been like a month don't play jokes with me." I snapped.

"I'm not joking Scott Richard, remember who you're talking to. The hospital just called me saying he's their in medical care." I looked at Avi and yelled. "What are we waiting for, I wanna see my baby!"

With that we ran to the car and drove to the hospital. The Lady at the front desk gave me his room number and I bolted up their. Avi stayed behind to let me have my moment.

I pushed the door open and looked at him in fear. His body was beaten and bruised, almost lifeless. I kneeled beside him and held his small hand as tears rolled down my face.

"I'm so sorry Mitchie." I whispered.

The doctor came in and checked his vitals before talking to me.

"He's still under the medicine we gave him but he should wake up soon. He won't wake up with any pain but he does have 4 broken ribs on each side and his head is bruised. It's a miracle it's not broken. I will have his medicine and papers ready later on, he can leave a couple hours after he wakes up." She said.

I nodded and held Mitch's hand tighter. She cleared her throat before continuing.

"I'm so sorry but."

"But what? What happened?" I asked with fear in my voice.

"The baby didn't make it."

Short and sweet?

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