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I can't believe this book is almost at 900 reads! Thank you so much. I am starting another book called Challenge Accepted, I just posted the first chapter. I hope you all enjoy. Thanks again!

Scott's POV

That's when it hit me, the girl looked exactly like the one Mitch had drawn. The movie was finally over and we all gave a standing ovation. Phil came out and hugged all of us, followed by Dan. The girl who played Christine came up to us and hugged Dan and Phil.

"Guys, this is Isabella. Isabella, this is my family and friends." We greeted her as she waved shyly. Her eyes lit up as she saw Mitch. She went up to him and he hugged her tightly, everyone but me had confused looks.

"Isabella and I knew each other when she was younger, I took care of her." Mitch explained after he pulled away from the hug. "Is he still hurting you?" He questioned softly so only her and I could hear. She nodded, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes.

"It's okay Isabella. I will see what's going on. I'm gonna have Mitch explain to me when we get home. I'm sorry this is happening to you. I wanna examine how he treats you. How old are you?" I questioned as I hugged her.

"I'm 8 sir, we have practice tomorrow. Mitchie and I used to have a hiding spot so you can see what's going on without him noticing. Just come back tomorrow at noon and have Mitchie show you the secret place." She said, quickly looking around scared.

"Isabella!!" We heard someone shout, her eyes quickly showed fear. A man no older than fourth came behind her. "Where have you been child? You were supposed to clean up the mess these foul people make. You will be punished when you get home do you hear me?!" He growled as she flinched.

"Yes sir Alpha, my dearest apologies. I accept your apology and you may have your way with me." She stated, slightly scared.

He chuckled and bit her ear "Oh I will. Now get to cleaning." He snapped as he left, not even bothering to acknowledge us.

"I'm really sorry you had to see that Sir. But if you don't mind, I have to leave now and do as he says." She stated politely. I nodded by crouched down to her level. "Okay but does he hurt you in a way I don't want to speak of." She nodded quickly and looked away.

"Isabella I'm so sorry, I will prove him guilty of being a terrible Alpha tomorrow, then you can stay with Mitchie and I. How about that?" I questioned.

She nodded eagerly and hugged me before going to do her chores. We all left and headed home. I took Mitch to our room and sat him in between my legs. "Sweetheart, tell me what happened to Isabella with her Alpha."

He took a deep breath before speaking. "He beat her senseless when she was younger, he still does. He tries to rape her but always passes out on top of her because he's drunk. He does other things I don't want to mention. But every night it happens, she would always sneak out and come to my house then leave early in the morning so she wouldn't get caught.

And she rarely eats. He says only good girls eat and she's always bad. Her mom died when she had her because she lost too much blood, so her father blames her for it. I love that girl too much. Every day at rehearsal she would have to practice her parts 24/7 because he said she was terrible. I love her to death, I know Kirstie would love her too. She could be her little sister that she always wanted."

I nodded, typing everything he said to the council. They accepted the complaint and stated they were going to press charges against him and she would live with us.

"Thank you for telling me baby." I whispered before pressing my lips against his. He kissed back instantly, wrapping his arms around my neck. I let my hands travel his body before grabbing his butt and pulling him closer. "Uh, bad boy." He mumbled against my lips, smirking. I ignored him and pushed him on the bed.

"Shall this bad boy be punished?" I whispered in his ear. He bit his lip and nodded. "Yes sir." He mumbled. "Well, let the games begin." He chuckled and dived under the covers.

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