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"I don't think that is a very good decision to make Alpha. That is why I am planning a vacation for you two. I will book you guys a flight for tomorrow morning. Just take the stuff you have with you and I don't want it to be tense between you and Little Bit." Kevin explained.

"Alright, I'll give it some time. How long are we going to stay?" I questioned softly.

"A week or so and then Avi and I are gonna come down there, settle it there, and leave it there." Kevin stated firmly.

I nodded in a agreement and he helped me to the car.

"Thanks for saving me by the way. Alex got strong, I couldn't fend for myself." I said quietly.

"Its alright Scott, he had you sidetracked. At least you are alright, Mitch would lose his mind if he lost you." He stated keeping his eyes in the road.

I looked out the window and sighed.

"I don't know about that,I don't think I am able to take care of him. If Avi didn't have him he would be hurt or taken. I can't have that, I love him too much but I can't handle it. I can't even take care of myself for crying out loud." I said as tears formed in my eyes.

Kevin parked in front of the parking lot.

"Stop that right now, stop degrading yourself. Mitch loves you, he wouldn't have taken care of you when you were weak if he didn't love you. He cares about you so much, when you're not around he talks about you nonstop. It's cute but it can get really annoying sometimes. He loves you so much that he never takes the puzzle piece necklace off. He loves you so much that he still trust you after he was kidnapped and beaten. After he was without for two seconds he would cry until you were at his side. He wouldn't cling to you like a child if didn't love you. He wouldn't let you hold him tight every night if he didn't love you. He wouldn't say he loves you all the time you if he doesn't love you. That's how much he needs you Scott. You mean the entire world to him. You shouldn't be thanking me for saving you, Mitch sensed it and it drove him crazy because Avi wouldn't let him go to you so he called me. That's how much he loves you."

Mitch saved me. Again.

"I guess he really does love me." I whispered as I got out if the car.

"Kevin, I'm gonna need your help."


"I wanna propose to Mitch."

Alpha?(Scomiche/Pentatonix)Where stories live. Discover now