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"Scott Hoying!

We know you have Mitchell Grassi with you. Step out of the car and you will not be hurt." Tori yelled through a megaphone.

I rolled my eyes and transitioned the car to a helicopter and flew above but was stopped by Alex.

I moved quicker and flew into the clouds, hoping not to be seen.

I sent Dan a quick text explaining what's going on and that I wouldn't be able to make it.

I flew back to the hotel and went straight to my room, slamming the door.

"Why hello Scooter.".

I turned and saw Alex.

"What do you want!" I spat.

"I want you." he whispered, kissing my neck.

"Get off of me." I growled, pushing him away.

"Why not? Mitch slept with Avi!" He spat.

I punched him in the jaw.

"Don't you dare bring my baby into this!" I spat.

He rolled his eyes and knocked me down.

I slowly got up and wiped the blood from my face.

He threw punches left and right, I blocked as many as I could.

I rolled on top of him when he became breathless and punched him as many times as I could.

He bit my arm and I felt like my arm was ripped off as he grazed his teeth across my arm.

"Shit." I mumbled as he pressed his teeth closer in my skin.

I kicked him in the stomach and punched him in the face.

Kevin came in and saw me and then Alex,quickly calling the police.

Alex groaned in pain but smirked when he saw my arm.

The police came and I was sent to the Emergency room under Kevin's care.

He stitched and wrapped my arm quickly,trying to ignore the smell of pain.

"Um, just so you know I called the Alpha to. So he should be here in a minute." Kevin stated.

I groaned and set the my hand in my heads.

Why Avi, just Why?

Alpha?(Scomiche/Pentatonix)Where stories live. Discover now