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The song makes me think. You guys should listen to it.

It's been about a month and a half, Mitch is slowly healing. But ever since that thing I called my father possessed my baby he's been very cautious around me. He says he doesn't want to hurt me, but him jot being my baby hurts me the most.

We don't cuddle anymore

We don't laugh anymore.

We don't kiss anymore.

He's not ticklish anymore.

I feel like my life is falling apart without him.

He doesn't even smile or show his cute dimples, but I'm gonna do what it takes to make my baby happy.

"Hey Mitchie?" I called out, opening the bedroom door. He was singing his own version of Bring Him Home but he stopped when he saw me.

"Yes Alpha?" He questioned, looking away.

I sat on the bed and held my hands out. "Baby come here."I pleaded.

He slowly walked towards me, his head still down.

"I just wanna check your ribs alright?"

He remained silent.

I pulled up his shirt slowly.

Bruises were scattered all over his body. I traced one that flashed at me.




He shivered at my touch, trying to stifle a laugh.

I smirked as he whined. "Someone ticklish?" I teased.

He shook his head, trying to push me away but failed. Aviously.

He squealed as I pushed him on the bed and poked his sides repeatedly.

"S-Scott! S-Stop p-please!" He shrieked.

"Nope." I stated, continuing to tickle him as I smirked.

He whined and squealed as he tried to get out of my grip.

I finally let go of his side and he huffed at me, pouting.

"Awe, my little Mitchie is still upset. What ever should I do?" I questioned, biting his pout.

"Scotty buckets doesn't like when his Mitchie is mad." I whispered.

He snorted an laughed.

"What's so funny?!" I questioned.

"Scotty buckets." He said laughing.

"Well what did your mom call you when you were little?" I questioned, smirking.

He stopped laughing and looked away.

"Come on I wanna no." I edged on.

He still didn't budge.

My fingers found his sides as he gasped.

"Alright she called me kissyboy, just please don't tickle me." He whined.

I laughed as he blushed and covered his face.

"Well I think my boy deserves a kissy." I stated, leaning closer.

He tucked his lips in and smirked, rolling his eyes.

"Fine you get the magic of Scotty buckets." I chuckled before kissing all over his face.

"S-Stop!" He whined, laughing.

"There's the smile I've been waiting for!" I beamed.

He smirked and tried to superfrown like Avi.

"No, no, no,no don't do that kissyboy." I said, tugging his lip.

"Mitchie, I missed your smile, your cute little dimples, your voice when you laugh. But most of all I missed this." I whispered before placing my lips on his softly. He kissed back instantly, wrapping his hand in mine. The kiss was slow yet passionate, just like the many times before.

I pulled away in looked into his brown orbs.

"I love you Mitchie."

"Love you most Scottie."

"We'll get through it together kissyboy."

I am so so sorry. School has been frustrating and I just got back from the er because I got second degree burn. I was making tea for my mom since she's sick and I went to grab the tea bag and the water spilled on my thigh, burning my leg hair and my skin. So yea. Enjoy!

Alpha?(Scomiche/Pentatonix)Where stories live. Discover now