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I woke up to Mitch kissing all over my face, I smiled and pulled him closer. "Hi Scottie." He chirped fill of delight. I smiled and kissed his nose. "That tickles." He whined. I smirked and rubbed his sides making his breath quiver, he squirmed as my fingers danced along his sides. I finally removed my hands and kiss his forehead as he regained his breath. "You're so mean." He said with the cutest pout. I kissed and tugged his bottom lip, he blushed and hid his face in my neck.

I smirked and pretended to be asleep when he put his head up. He sighed and poked my chest repeatedly. He sighed and laid his head on his chest. I smirked and rolled on top of him, covering him with my body. I laughed as he squirmed under my grasp. I sat up and hovered over him. He looked up at me with his soft brown eyes.

I caressed his cheek with my thumb. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his, I gave all my passion and list into the kiss. He wrapped his hands around mine, not letting go. I finally pulled away and gave him one last quick kiss. "I'm gonna go see what the others are doing. I'll be back soon okay?"





I kissed his forehead and went to the living room. Avi and Kevin were talking while Kirstie took out some food to cook. "Hey Kirstie, how about you rest and I'll have Mitchie make breakfast." She nodded eagerly and skipped to the living room. I jogged upstairs and heard singing. It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah. I saw Mitch changing into one of my shirts. He sounds like an angel. He turned around and screamed when he saw me but blushed. "Sorry you had to hear that." I shook my head. "You sound amazing but I was wondering if you would like to make breakfast? I was told you like to cook." He squealed and grabbed my hand taking me to the kitchen.

"Sorry Sir, I didn't mean to force you down here." Mitch said quietly. I frowned at the name Sir. "It's okay babe, just call me Scott okay?" He nodded and started cooking. I wrapped my hands around him and put my chin on his neck. He sung softly to himself as he made omelets, biscuits, grits, and bacon.

I set the table and Mitch brought out the food as we all sat down. I could tell Mitch is nervous so I held his hand under the table. I felt him relax and we started to eat. Kevin looked amazed as he ate. "Mitch, this is amazing. You should cook more often because this is talent." Mitch blushed as we all nodded in agreement.

We finished and Mitch cleaned the kitchen even though I insisted. We decide to go to the mall since Mitch didn't have any clothes. After he cleaned the kitchen we hopped in the car, Mitch sat in my lap. I kissed his neck and he shivered, I ignored it and continued until he flinched. His body relaxed and I noticed his Spongebob sleeve. It was pretty cool. I held Mitch's hand since the mall is huge and he seemed nervous.

We went in a couple stores and Mitch looked around, eyeing some clothes and shoes so when he walked away I bought them. Even though he told me not to I didn't care. I went in one last store and got him a puzzle piece necklace so he knows that he's the missing piece to my puzzle. I'm not gonna give it to him until he is fully comfortable around me and trust me. We got in the car and Mitch fell asleep in my arms. Avi looked at Mitch and smiled. "Keep your eyes on the road Avriel and not on my Omega." I growled.

Kirstie shook her head and and put her earbuds in. Avi rolled his eyes as his ands tightened on the wheel. "I can do whatever I want Richard. He's NOT your Omega yet, you haven't even marked him yet so he's still available." He snapped. I rolled my eyes and looked at Mitch sleeping peacefully. "I haven't marked him yet because I'm not ready to, I want him to be comfortable around me and know that I will always be there for him. I know I messed up with Alex, but he did too. Mitchie is different. I wanna vow to him that I will do my best to keep him from danger no matter what. He is a rare Omega, and he's very fragile to me. He should never have to deal with pain. An angel like him should never be afraid or flinch when someone moves. When he sings it's beautiful but he doesn't know that because his self-esteem is so low. It hurts me to see him like this. I just want him to be happy, and I will do whatever it takes."

Kevin and Kirstie looked at me with tears in their eyes, Avi was red with anger. "Just wait, he'll be marked." Avi mumbled to himself. I flipped him off and got my bags out of the car and handed Mitch to Kevin. Kevin set him on the bed and tucked him in while I put the clothes away. I changed into some shorts and a T-shirt. I kissed Mitch's forehead and went for a jog. I put my earbuds in and turned it up letting it take over my thoughts.

Avi's POV

Now's my chance.

I quietly went into Mitch's room and saw him still asleep. I smirked and slowly crawled in the bed. I kissed his nose and he immediately snuggled into me. I kissed his lips lightly and he kissed back sleepily. We did this for a couple minutes before my lips trailed to his neck, and then I bit down. He let out a whine that was quickly replaced by a moan. He shifted and continued to sleep. I chuckled and left.

My work here is done.

Scott's POV
I came back from my jog and took a quick shower. I quickly changed and went to look for Mitch. He was on the floor by our bed drawing an alpha symbol that looked familiar but I couldn't name it. He brushed the access off of the picture and that's when I noticed it.

He got marked

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