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(Cause the pic is adorable. Anyway enjoy!!!)

Scott's POV

I woke up from what felt like hours of sleep. I slowly sat up wincing in pain. Kevin was beside me, I guess Mitch brought him in here. He had a bandage around his eye but he was sleeping peacefully. Seconds later Mitch came in with a tray of food and a small smile. "Kirstie left, she said she couldn't deal with the drama and I don't know where Avi is. But I made you food. Kevin ate already but you need your strength." He set the tray on my lap and checked on Kevin. I ate and finished my food quietly.

He took the tray and set it on the side of the dresser. "I'll bring your dessert after I change your bandages." He kisses my forehead and sits on my lap as he changes the bandages. I pull him closer and watch him as he quickly changes it. "What do you want for dessert?" He questions.

"I think I know what I want." I say with a smirk pulling him closer.

He giggles and squeals "And what is that Mr. Scott?"

I chuckle and whisper in his ear "I want you and your tasty lips."

He rolls his eyes playfully and leans in "Nope." He says hopping off my lap.

I pout and whine. "But I'm injured."

He laughs and sits by me. "You should be happy you're very handsome." He says before pecking my lips and taking the tray downstairs.

"Man, what did I do to deserve him?" I ask myself.

"Well, Maybe this is another chance for a new start. He's warming up to you and it's only been about two weeks now. Maybe ask him to be your Omega the proper way." Kevin says turning over.

I nod and let him rest, I slowly get up and hobble downstairs since my legs are asleep and sore from the fall. I walk into the kitchen to see Mitch cleaning and humming to yourself. He turns around and sees me. "You're supposed to be resting." He says sternly.

I roll my eyes and sit on the counter. "I felt bad leaving you here alone."

He shook his head. "It's alright. I'm used to it. But you should be resting. Do you need some more ice hun?" I nodded and he grabbed some and put it in a towel before applying it to my face.

"I'm sorry he did that to you. But thank you for saving me." He said with a small smile.

"It's no problem. I don't like him touching you. And you knocked him out which was kind of funny, but you are taking care of me. And you are starting to get comfortable around me which is good." I responded.

He blushed and put the cleaning items up. "Go back to resting, I'll be fine."

I shook my head"I'll go. One condition."

"And what's that?" He said with a bit of sass.

Damn, this boy is too cute.

"You have to give me a kiss."

He rolled his eyes and pecked my lips quickly but I grabbed his waist and tickled his sides. He squirmed under my grasp.

"I want a proper kiss Mitchie."

He sighed. "Ugh. Fine. But only because you're hurt." He said before placing his lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync, passion filling every second of it. He pulled away and I kissed his nose as he blushed.

"Maybe I should be hurt more often." I said playfully.

He rolled his eyes and went into the living room. He laid on the couch and flipped through the channels. I flopped on top of him and wrapped my arms around him, kissing his forehead.
He blushed and played with my hair while flipping through the channels.

"You're so cute babe." I mumbled in his ear. He blushed but shook his head. "Not really" he mumbled.

"Why do you think you aren't?" I asked

"Well, my other Alpha's told me I'm not so I believe them. My mom always told me that I was an Angel but I don't see it. I guess I-" I cut him off with a kiss and looked into his eyes.

"Don't ever think that babe, you are amazing just the way you are. And I wanna help you no matter what. I know this is cheesy but when I first looked at you I knew you were the one. You are the one for me. You are so beautiful, so kind, so precious. You are so special baby boy, and I will tell you that every day until I die. So would you like to officially be my Omega?"

He nodded and kissed my cheek. "I got something for you. I'll be right back." I jogged to my room and grabbed the necklace and slipped mine on.
I jogged back downstairs tripping over a few, I heard him giggle and I laughed along. I slipped the necklace on him. He gasped and held on to it. "It's beautiful." He whispered. "You are the missing piece to my puzzle. You take my breath away. I was gonna ask you when you were more comfortable with me but I couldn't wait. You saved me and Kevin from Avi. Thank you baby." He blushed but nodded.

The things this boy does to me.

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