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I'm feeling like a quadruple. Haha. And that is before icing, sorry about the lighting. Lol. Anyway. Enjoy! I didn't think this show would get this far!

Scott's POV

He looked me in the eyes and sighed. "Scott. I can't, I may be bisexual and bisectional (haha, same.) But I don't like you in that way." I groaned "We all know Meat and Potatoes was real, the way you two cuddled, the way you slapped his butt. Don't fool me, I just had a dream that I kissed you and I don't know I'm being foolish I guess. " I said, standing up and heading to the bathroom. "That you are." Avi mumbled to himself. I rolled my eyes and pushed him on the bed, climbing on top of him. His breath quivered and his eyes gazed at my lips. "This better be worth it." I mumbled before placing his lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync. a couple seconds before I pulled away. I got up and headed to the door. "Uh Scott." Avi said awkwardly. "Yea?" I said. The second I turned around he pinned me to the wall, placing his lips on mine." After a couple seconds he pulled away. "That's how you kiss a boy Scooter." He whispered before walking out.

I stood their and panted. I shook off the thought and went downstairs. "Okay, so I have the number from the message tracked down. I called the council, they said they are gonna take care of it so we won't be in danger. When they get Mitch they will notify us and take him to the council to get any information. Which should be today or tomorrow depending on the situation" Kevin states. Avi and I both agree and we watch a movie. Kirstie comes down and sits next to Avi, laying her head on his chest. I play with my necklace, and I feel my heart break a little.

Stay strong Mitchie, be the warrior you are. I silently hummed the song on the paper he wrote.

God on high
Hear my prayer
In my need
You have always been there
He is young
He's afraid
Let him rest
Heaven blessed
Bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home.

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