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Yes I am alive. Haha, sorry I haven't been updating. Idrk if you guys like this book or not. But if you ever have any ideas or suggestions feel free to pm me. Or if you just want to talk. 😊

Scott paced back and forth in his hotel room.

It has been a week since his last encounter with Mitch.

After Tori's dark spirit left his body, he quickly paid for another room, wanting to sort things out and give Mitch space.

Scott finally got the courage to explain to Mitch what happened and ask for forgiveness.

He knocked on the door with sweaty knuckles, hoping for Mitch to answer the door.

But he was wrong.

"Hello." A silky voice spoke as the door opened.

"Hi, Am I at the wrong room? I'm looking for my boyfriend Mitchell Grassi." Scott spoke in a soft voice.

The woman nodded with a small smirk on her lips.

"I'm his mother, come in." She gestured.

Scott walked in slowly, taking a quick glance at Mitch's mother.

His couldn't help but notice a tint of black forming in her eyes.

"Mitchell." She called out to her son. "You have a visitor."

She gave a sickening smile before sitting down on the couch.

Seconds later Mitch came out of his room, fingers interlocked with another boy.

Scott couldn't help but notice his hair color had change to blonde and he had a black choker on his neck.

The small boy sat in the taller figures lap, taking a quick glance at Scott.

"Mom? Who is this? Brendon and I were writing music." Mitch questioned softly.

His mother let out a dark chuckle before responding. "He is the key to a whole new level. The one we've been looking for." She growled, pulling a sharp knife out of her pocket.

Scott looked at Mitch frantically, backing up towards the door. "Baby, it's me Scott." He choked out.

Mitch's mother cackled as she backed him into a corner."He doesn't remember anything about you, I took away his memory." "The only way this will work is if I have all the blood. I have most of the Pentatonix packs blood, but I'm missing one piece of the puzzle. You." "Once I have your blood Tori and I will rule the world! All Alpha's and Beta's will bow down. Omega's will be extinct. Only the smartest and strongest Alpha's and Beta's will survive. Nighty-Night Mr. Hoying." She spat before merciless my stabbing the knife into his body.

"Mr. Hoying."

"Mr. Hoying"


"Huh?" Scott looked up, noticing all of the Alpha's in the council room looking at him.

"You alright Bud?" Avi questioned. "You zoned out for a bit."

Scott nodded in response as he took a deep breath.

"Anyway, Tori wants you up there. It's your turn."

Scott nodded as he felt a lump in his throat form. He slowly walked up to the stage and carefully approached Tori.

She gave him a small smile, her eyes flashing black before turning back to the audience.

She gave her speech about the Omega and about Scott before bringing him out to him.

Scott noticed that he looked the same since their first "encounter".

Once the meeting was over the two boys chatted until it was time to go.

Scott softly grabbed Mitch's hand but gasped as images and scenes occurred before him of what had happened when he was zoned out.

Once the scenery went away Mitch looked at him and whispered. " You're the only one who can help. I know you just saw it."

Scott opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Mitch.

"Please, save me. Save us."

"Save the Omegas."

"Save this world."


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