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I looked at him but he was on his knees throwing up.

"I said no pretty boy." A voice chuckled.

I turned and saw none other than Tori Kelly.

"What do you want?" I snapped

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment!" She smirked.

"Just leave Mitchie and I alone." I snapped, stepping backwards but I was caught by Kirstie.

"Kit Kat? Why?" I questioned softly.

"Shutup and listen to master!" Her deep voice echoed sending shivers down my spine.

Tori smirked and nodded at her.

"Good girl."

"Now where was I?" She questioned, circling me.

"Ya know, I've been watching you two for a while. Cuddling, kissing, hugging, dancing,making love to each other. It makes me sick, you don't know how much power that boy has within him. And the power will be mine sooner or later. You don't know how much control it's taken me to get this far to get him. And you were in the trap all along. You think you can trust your little pack.

You are so stupid, you think he loves you. After I'm done with him no Omegas will exist. They are already rare but only the smartest Beta's and strongest Alpha's will rule this world!" She cackled as she took out a syringe.

"And nothing will get in my way. Any last words?" She spat as she held the needle to my neck, pressing it in.

"I. Love you. Mitchie. Forever. And always." I said as everything went dark.


I woke up in a room with blank walls.

I was in a chair tied up with tape around my mouth.

"Well well well. He's awake." A voice said with a smirk.

I looked up and struggled as he came closer.

"Don't worry, we're gonna have a lot of fun." He whispered, pulling out some rope as he licked his lips.

A single tear slipped from my eyes.



Don't hate me. Haha.

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