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Just an old pic from the fourth of July.

Scott's POV

I woke up the next morning with Mitch laying on top of me. Then I thought of last night, chuckling to myself. I set him on the bed and got up to stretch. I went downstairs and saw Kirstie cooking. "What are you making Kirstie?" I questioned, looking in the fridge. "A cake for Mitchie's birthday." She replied quickly.

"Oh yea, remember the plan. Mitchie and I are gonna be here for a while and then we are gonna meet you guys at the Tori's place for the party." I reminded her. She nodded and continued making the cake. I went back to my room and saw Mitch asleep, I starfished on him but he didn't move. "Mitchie, baby it's your birthday you gotta get up." I said slightly shaking him. He whined and turned over, going back to sleep.

I smirked and kissed his neck as he tried to move. I trail kisses on his neck, receiving quiet moans from him. He huffed and pushed me forward, placing his lips on mine. I smirked and let him move me back as he straddled my waist. His fingers brushed against my lower areas by accident and I felt my jeans tighten. He pulled away and smiled. "Happy birthday baby." I said cheerfully,kissing his nose."

He smiled and hugged me "Thank you Alpha. I'm gonna go shower, I'll leave you alone for your problem." He said winking and got up and went to the bathroom. I groaned and grabbed my items and headed to the bathroom. I heard the water running and Mitch singing so I knew he was in. I stripped my clothes and got in with him. I wrapped my hands around him and his length and he flinched but relaxed when he turned and saw me.

"Hi Alpha." He mumbled before returning to wash himself. I wrapped my arms around him, kissing his neck. "You know, your first time with me could be your birthday treat." I whispered making him shiver. He turned to me and gave me a small smile. "I would like that." He replied before placing his lips on mine. I pressed his body against the wall and placed kisses on his neck as he moaned in pleasure. "That's a good boy." I whispered in his ear as I placed the condom on.

I placed kisses from his jaw to his lips releasing the passion and lust in the moment. He rubbed up against me and I smirked. "Someone's impatient!" I said chuckling. "Well my heat is soon so yea." He said quickly before smashing his lips on mine. I pressed his body again the walls and thrusted into him, our lips moving in sync. He moaned in my mouth turning me on as I thrusted at a little faster.

He wrapped his legs around me and I placed my hand on the shower wall, ramming inside of him. "Fuck, r-right there S-Scottie. Go h-harder please. Now!" He moaned out. I chuckled and teased his spot before ramming into it again. He placed his hands on the walls, knuckles turning white. "S-Scottie I g-gottAA!" He said as he released, me doing the same a few pumps later. I slowly pulled out and we got ourselves cleaned up. "Round two later." I whispered in his ear, slightly yanking his towel as he got out.

We quickly changed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Everyone else left but left some pancakes and eggs for Mitch and I. We finished quickly and watches Spongebob for a couple hours.


"I'm gonna go make us lunch." Mitch stated as he got up. I slapped his butt and he rolled his eyes, going to the kitchen.

I followed and he was sitting on the counter looking at a cook book. "What sounds good to eat Scottie?" He questioned. "You." I whispered seductively in his ear. He shivered and rolled his eyes. "Why are you so damn horny?" He questioned with a bit of sass. "Don't you cuss at me Mitchie, or I might have to punish you." I whispered in his ear, grabbing his butt. He squealed and smirked at me. "I don't give a damn Alpha. You aren't gonna punish me, you don't punish good. I didn't punish you last night." He whispered in my ear, unzipping my jeans.

He pulled me on the counter and roughly placed his lips on mine. "Mm bad boy." I whispered against his lips. He pushed me down on the counter and I ripped his shirt off. He blushed and looked away giggling. I pouted and he rolled his eyes before placing his lips on mine.

Our lips moved in sync and our clothes were removed in a perfect harmony. He slowly slid himself on me, a moaning mess. Our moans filled the kitchen as our hips moved together. I bucked my hips,pushing more into him. He gasped as I found his weak spot. "Ugh, yes Big Daddy right there." He said as he bounced rapidly. He finally released and so did I. He got off of me but I grabbed his arm and smashed his lips on mine. He crawled in my lap and stroked me as I did the same to him. Our lips moved in sync and he rubbed himself against me slowly. I groaned in pleasure and we released again. We grabbed our  clothes and quickly put them on.

We got in the car and went to the  party. Mitch's face expression made everyone happy. Isabella luckily came and had a great time with Mitch and Kirstie. Kirstie plans to hang out with her soon.

The party ended and we drove home dancing like we had no tomorrow. Mitch took a bubble bath and I went on my laptop. I thought about marking Mitch soon, I want to claim him mine after today. Today was fantastic. My thoughts were interrupted by Avi screaming my name.

"SCOTT RICHARD HOYING GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW." He screamed. I groaned and jogged downstairs. "What Sergeant?" I questioned, somewhat moody.

"Don't snap at me. Would you care to explain why there is icing on my counter?!" He said angrily.

I didn't use a condom

"Oh no." I whispered to myself.

"What?" Avi asked, slightly worried

"We didn't use protection."

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