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I'm sorry

Scott's POV

"What gender was it supposed to be?" I questioned quietly.

"From the looks of it a girl. Again I am so sorry for your loss. Mitchell can leave now if you want to. Everything is in check, he's just sleeping the meds off. He will be in some pain for a while, he has four broken ribs on each side and his ankle will be swollen. He will fully heal in about two and a half months. Again I am so sorry for what happened. And you might wanna take this blood the two men took. The police found it. I will come back with the meds and papers then you are free to go." She stated, handing me the blood.

I nodded and she left then quickly came back with a bag of medicine and the release papers. I signed them and carried Mitch to the car, Avi following me. Avi held Mitch while I drove I silence. We quickly arrived home and Avi and I went to our room, me following. Avi set Mitch I the bed and tucked him in, kissing his forehead before he got up. Mitch whined and pulled Avi closer, Avi still tried to move.

"It's alright Avi, you can stay with him?" I stated, not in the mood to argue.

He nodded and pulled Mitch into his lap laying down.

I went to the bathroom and took a well needed long shower. I quickly changed and went back to my room. Mitch was crying and Avi was trying to calm down.

"I'm sorry Scooter, he's been crying in his sleep. I tried to calm him down, but I'm not you." He said softly as he handed Mitch to me.

"I'll check on you guys later, I'll make dinner soon." He said as he left our room.

I sighed and rubbed his back, doing my best to calm him down.

Once upon a time
A boy with moonlight
In his eyes
Put his hand in mine
And said he loved me so

Mitch's eyes fluttered opened and his grip on me got tighter.

"I-I'm s-sorry A-Alpha, I-I didn't m-mean to upset M-Master Jeremy. I p-promise I-I'll be g-good." He hiccupped as he shivered in fear.

"Baby, you know I would never hurt you. I gotta take care of you because you got hurt. Please let me love you baby. It hurts when you're scared of me. Baby I'm gonna do my best to protect you, but I'm gonna give you some of my Alpha strength." I stated, hugging him.

"H-how?" He sniffled.

I smiled and kissed all over his face as he laughed.

"Alpha!" He whined.

I gave his lips one slow kiss and he quickly engaged in it.

"I love you Alpha." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"I love you too baby, so so much."

I'm sorry this is bad. I just really need someone to talk/vent to if that's okay.

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