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Sorry I'm writing this so late in the am. Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading this book! I hope you guys enjoy!

Alex's POV

We are aware that you have an Omega by the name of Mitch Grassi. Return him soon or you will be charged by the council.

I sigh and put my phone back in my pocket. Mitch was halfway asleep, I walked over to him. "Baby boy." I whispered shaking him lightly, his eyes fluttered open. "Hey, we are gonna take a little vacation to somewhere fun. I'm gonna go pack us some clothes, go get the stuffies and blankie you want okay?" He quickly nods and grabs sorts through his animals and blankets. I head to his closet and pick out some normal clothes and some little clothes for him. I pack them in a bag and head to my room, doing the same. I pull out my phone and quickly make a phone call to my good friend Travis.


"Hey Travis, it's Alex. I need your help. I got myself a little but the council thinks I stole him so we're gonna need a hideout place to stay."

"Alright, come quick. But your an Omega, you're not supposed to keep an Omega."

"Don't worry, the boy doesn't know anything. He's Scotts Omega, he's a pretty thing too. He's too innocent, but that's how I want him."

"Alright, I'll be here, see you soon."


I hang up and put the bags in the car. I head up to Mitch's room and see him holding a blanket and a bear. "Where are we going for vacation Daddy?" He asked as I picked him up, setting him on my hip. "We are going to visit my best friend Travie, he will love an adorable thing like you." I reply as I set him in the car. I shut the door and hop in on my side. I put the key in the ignition and drive to Travis' house. I turn on some music and Mitch starts to sing along. "You have a very beautiful voice." I say, slightly smirking. "Thank you Daddy." He replies.

"I would love to hear those other sounds of that pretty voice of yours." I say. He blushes and looks away.
After about forty-five minutes we arrive at Travis's house. I grab our bags and head in, Mitch following. Travis opens the door and Mitch and I step inside. "Travis, this is Mitch. Mitch, this is Uncle travie." I say, pointing. He nods. "Nice to meet you uncle Travie." He says quietly. "Likewise." Travis says, nodding. I head up to our room, putting our stuff away. Travis takes Mitch to the living room. I hear footsteps as I put the bags on the floor. I felt arms around me. "You know Allie." Travis whispers, kissing my neck. "That little boy might be a good thing for me."

"Don't you dare touch him. Not just yet, Scott doesn't know that he's playing with fire. In fact, how about we give him a little phone call." I say with a smirk, Travis chuckles and nods. I dial Scott's number.


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