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"No more tickles!" Mia screamed as Avi picked her her up, he sat her on his lap and kissed her cheek as he laughed. Mia has gratefully adapted to our home. Avi treats her like he's her daughter. Mitch is still sick but getting better. I shook my head and went to the kitchen,Kirstie was making a smoothie for Kevin and Todrick.

"Want one Alpha?" She asked as I hopped on the counter. "No thanks, has Mitch eaten yet he gets touchy if he doesn't." She shrugged "I don't know Alpha. I thought he was with Avi." Wait, Mia was with Avi. So Mitch- Mia came waddling in the kitchen and hugged Kirstie's legs then went upstairs. I ran to Avi's room and sure enough he was there shirtless and so was Mitch. Mitch was placing kisses on Avi's neck. "Help me." Avi mouthed. I sighed and grabbed Mitch and threw him over my shoulder, he squealed and played with my shirt I growled and he stopped. I threw him on the bed and went to the kitchen, I grabbed a sandwich from the fridge and went back upstairs. Mitch was in the corner crying, holding Mia. "You drew Stitch!" She yelled holding onto Mitch. She hugged Mitch one last time and left.

I picked Mitch up as he flinched and tensed in my arms. I rubbed his back "I'm sorry Mitchie I didn't mean to, you just get really touchy when you haven't eaten. I didn't mean to do it, my alpha instincts just kicked in." He relaxed in my arms and his breathing got heavier. I forgot he's still sick. Oops. I left his food by the dresser and went back downstairs, Avi was asleep with Mia in his arms. I grabbed Kirstie and she took a picture. Avi shifted at the noise and wrapped an arm around Mia, Kevin and Todrick came in. "Hey guys" they said at the same time, they looked at each other and laughed.

Kirstie sat next to Avi and stroked his hair, I went back upstairs and looked at Mitch's drawings, I wanted to know what they meant. I traced over the first symbol I saw him draw when Avi marked him, I noticed the writing but I couldn't translate. (It's bring him home from Les Mís in German)

Gott auf Hoch

Höre mein Gebet

In meinem Bedarf

Du warst immer da

Er ist jung

Er hat Angst

Laß ihn ruhen

Der Himmel gesegnet

Bringe ihn nach Hause

Bringe ihn nach Hause

Mitch stirred in his sleep,I slowly crawled in the bed after examining the words one last time. I closed my eyes and turned so I was facing him. I heard him groan and felt him face me. He pushed my arm so I was laying on my back and he scooted into my sides. "I love you Scottie, more than you can imagine. I know that's probably impossible but it is. I'm very glad that I have you in my life. I knew that you would protect me when I first met you. I know I'm still shy but I'll probably always be that way. I love you a lot. And trust me, I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it but you showed me what love is. I love you so much even though you are asleep."

I bit my lip trying not to cry. I rolled on top of him and kissed him like I was saying goodbye forever. Our lips danced and I heard music. (LA LA land music to be exact. Haha.) Every time our lips parted we brought them back with passion. I pulled away and pecked his lips one last time, looking into his big brown orbs.

"I love you Mitchie."

"I love you more Scottie."

"I love you most."

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