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Mitch walked out of the bathroom for the fifth time. He threw up several times earlier for some odd reason.

Could he be pregnant?

He thought back to his last heat which was with Avi, but Mitch was smart enough to secretly take birth control pills just to be safe.

Scott had gone out to get dinner and left Mitch who was still sleeping.

Mitch sat on the couch and flipped through the channels until he saw Spongebob.

Scott came in quietly and set dinner on the table, sitting by Mitch who was watching the movie intensely.

"Baby, I got food." Scott said.

Mitch nodded, not paying attention to him.

Scott brought Mitch close to him and kissed his face even though Mitch obliged.

"Ew! No!" Mitch shrieked causing Scott to laugh.

"Dinner is served Mitchie." Scott stated just now noticing the change in his hair color.

"Mitchell Grassi-Hoying. Don't make me start listing off the rules." Scott spat.

Mitch sighed and paused the movie. "Look, Scott-"

"It's Alpha to you." Scott intervened.

"Alpha, I'm not trying to be rude hut I've been puking all day, I keep getting mind messages and everything is driving me crazy." Mitch huffed.

"Look here Mitchell Grassi-Hoying!  You are my Omega! My Husband! You will abide by my rules. I am sick and tired of your attitude." Scott spat causing Mitch to flinch and tear up.

"What happened to the Scott I know and love.  I'm not Grassi-Hoying I'm only Grassi because I NEVER AGREED TO MARRY YOU!" Mitch sobbed.

"Maybe Tori came for a reason." Mitch whispered as he began to walk away.

"Don't you dare move!" Scott growled as he grabbed Mitch's arm.

Mitch looked at Scott and knew something was up, and by that I mean his eyes were pitch black.

"You're pregnant because you're such a whore and slept with Avi!" He spat in a sickening deep voice.

Mitch squirmed out of his grip and ran into the bedroom and locked the door.

He slid against the wall and sobbed.

Scott's mind battled between his own voice and Tori's.

Finally, the dark figure came out and chuckled at Scott's weakness.

"Now that I've gotten you under my grasp, this will be much easier. Don't you worry bout a thing. (I love that song)" she chuckled before leaving.

If only Scott knew that the necklace he shared with the one he loves would soon make him stronger against Tori's power.

Mitch's sobs turned into sniffles moments later as he nuzzled into the warmth of someone's arms.

He looked up and gasped at the figure holding him.


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