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Scott's POV

I woke up to the vibration of my phone. I groaned and picked it up. It was a text from Avi.

Avi: Hey, I'm about to go to Toddy's party, wanna come?
Me: No thanks I'm good, have fun.
Avi: of course, I don't want "icing" anywhere when I get home.

I stretched and saw Mitch laying on my lap. I smiled and laid him on his side of the bed. He stirred in his sleep but stayed that way. I limped to the kitchen and looked for a snack. I grabbed some caramel corn and went back upstairs. Mitch was still asleep with his thumb in his mouth.

This boy is too cute, maybe I should let him be Alpha for a bit, see how that goes. XD. Maybe he'll learn confidence against Avi.

I lightly shook him"Mitchie, baby get up." He whined and his eyes shot open, he looked scary since I woke him up. Note to self, never wake Mitch up like that. I flinched but shook the thought away. "Mitchie, how would you like to be Alpha for a while?" I questioned. He looked confused but shrugged " I don't know how to be an Alpha. "

"It's easy, if I get out of hand you discipline me, and you make sure I'm okay." I stated. He nodded slowly,thinking about it. "Okay, since it's only for an hour I'll try it." He said.

"Okay Alpha."

He smiled and we watched TV, I got up to go to the kitchen to get more popcorn but he stopped me. "Where are you going?" He questioned. "To the kitchen, why does it matter" I said rolling my eyes. He huffed and crossed his arms "You're supposed to treat me with respect, and you can't go down there because you are hurt." He snapped.  "But I-"  "I said no." He snapped. I sighed dramatically and got up but he pinned me down, which kinda turned me on. "I said no, do you wanna be punished?" He whispered in my ear causing me to shiver. "N-no sir." I stuttered. He sighed and grabbed my belt. "Fine, I'm giving you one more chance." He said calmly. I rolled my eyes and muttered "whatever".

His eyes snapped and he looked at me " that's it." He grabbed my arm but I stayed in my place. His eyes turned red and gold and he grabbed my arm and flipped me over. He hit me with the belt once, I bit my lip. "Can you take it Scottie?" He whispered in my ear seductively. "Possibly sir." I mumbled. He hit me two more times. "I didn't hear you." I groaned earning another hit. I let out a shaky moan earning another one, I felt my jeans tighten.  He flipped me on my back and kissed my forehead. "You did good." I bit my lip trying to control the tightening and urging sensation in my jeans.

"What is that?" He almost screamed. I laughed so hard I cried. "My old Alpha had those around me, I think I can fix it. If you want me too." He said biting his lip. I grabbed his neck and crashed his lips into mine. He kissed my neck as I let out a breathy moan. "I'm taking that as a yes?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded, not being able to speak. He unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down, doing the same with my boxers. He got under the covers and  slid my tip in his mouth and began tossing it around with his tongue. I felt myself get hard as he went deeper. He bobbed his head, swirling and licking as much as he could leaving me a moaning mess. I finally released a giant load and he swallowed, wiping his mouth.

He smirked and kissed my jaw. "Thank you Alpha." I breathed out.
"Welcome babe." He said with a smirk.
I pulled him into my chest and watched him as he slowly fell asleep. I checked the time 10:30 pm. I pulled him closer and wrapped my arms around him. I kissed his forehead as he fell asleep.



"I love you"

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