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I might stop this book at 50 chapters and start the second book? What do you guys think?


I woke up the next morning and did my usual routine and headed to the hotel for breakfast.

I fixed my plate and ate in peace.

Moments later Avi and Mitch came down talking and laughing.

I threw my trash away and went back to my hotel room,scrolling through my phone.

Danny Phantom: Hey hey hey, would you be able to meet up in about 20 minutes? I'm proposing to Philly and I need your help.

I snorted trying to hold in a laugh and responded.

Why didn't you tell me earlier bro? But of course I'll help, just text me where you guys are and I will see you in a few.

I grabbed my keys and went back to the lobby, only to be stopped by Avi.

"Where do you think you're going?" He questioned.

"Dan the text me and asked if I would help him propose to Phil so I agreed." I answered quickly.

'Aren't you gonna take your Omega?" He challenged,raising an eyebrow.

I glanced at Mitch and back at Avi.

"With all do respect sir, you said that I crossed the line so I am just doing my duties for today. I will see him later." I replied,calmly.

He rolled his eyes and groaned.

"You're just gonna leave your own Omega?"

"Well you clearly claimed his last night while I was trying to sleep. I don't want to argue in front of all these people and make a scene, so I'll see you guys later." I replied, going to my car.

I played 'Sorry' and sung alone as I drove to Avi's place.

I got stuck in traffic which sucked but I had a feeling someone was watching me but I ignored it.

The feeling kept urging on and I glanced around me and that's when I saw it.

The cars around me had me trapped.

And it was.




And some Omega Snatchers

"Ugh, here we go again." I mumbled as I transitioned the car.

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