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Another pic I took. Haha. Any thoughts?

Scott's POV
I paced back and forth in the kitchen. "Avi, how could I be so stupid?!" I was gonna mark him first." I stated, still pacing.

"Scooter, you didn't know. You were in the moment. You don't even know if he can get pregnant. So don't worry about it for right now. Mark him when the time is right, I trust you Scooter." Avi stated, hugging me.

"Thanks Avi." I said, hugging him back. I jogged upstairs to my room and didn't see Mitch. I followed his scent to Kirstie's room. Mitch was on her lap and she was stroking his hair. "He came in after he took a bath, he was lonely alpha so I took care of him. He's asleep, sorry." She stated.

"Thanks Kirst. I really appreciate how you've been here for Mitch. I know he appreciates it too." I said, picking Mitch up and heading to our room. I laid him down and he whined. "Alpha don't leave." He mumbled. I laid next to him, stroking his hair. "Baby I wasn't gonna leave you, you fell asleep." I whispered. He nodded and tears welled in his eyes. "Why me Scott? Out of all Omegas, you could've given me back for someone better. I mean, I know I'm shy and weird but why me. I don't understand why you want someone that's not perfect or good enough for you, you should've let Alex keep and do what he wanted."

I sighed and hovered over him. "Never say that about yourself, you are perfect in more ways than one. You are so amazing and if I would've let Alex keep you I would've hurt myself and regretted it everyday. It pained me when you ran away, and I will never forgive myself for how I treated you. You are so talented, and amazing, and an angel. You are so beautiful, and if I didn't want you I wouldn't do this." I said, biting his collarbone and marking him. He released a whine which turned into a moan.

I gave a shaky breath before placing his lips on mine. Every second filled with passion and love. Our hands found each other and our lips moved in sync. I pulled away and gave him one last slow peck before looking in his eyes.

"I love you Mitchie, so so much, mode than you could imagine."

"I love you most Scottie."

Third Person POV
He stood there. Watching.
He watched the two lovers kiss and cuddle in their bed as watched a movie.
His fist curled in anger as he watched the two coddle each other.
He held the plan in his hand, chuckling at the thought of getting revenge for his friend Alex.
He had just released them out of jail and moved onto the next part of his plan,capturing Mitch Grassi And giving Alex the boy he's always wanted to take care of.
He would get the Grassi boy and possibly take him for himself.
He would enjoy Scott's pain
And suffering.
He could possibly get Kirstie back.

And that man was Jeremy.

Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnn

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