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How do you like the new coverEh? Eh? No? Haha. Enjoy! Felt like a simple short double today, got some good comments.
Feeling alright, my leg is doing okay but I can't do track for the next two weeks because it would stretch the skin. But anyway I just want to say.

People have bad times, we all do.
And sometimes we don't know what we want in life and we get confused and upset.
I am here if you guys ever need me.

I just felt like I had to say that. You are all beautifully and wonderfully made.

Enjoy your day!


"Why would you call Avi?" I snapped.

Kevin gave me a sympathetic look before sighing.

"He is the Lead Alpha, he needs to know this stuff." He stated calmly.

"Excuse my language but he fucked my Omega when I was in the room next to them trying to sleep. I don't understand him, it's like he wants me to get mad so he can find pleasure. He has Kirstie, I'm sick of it. I can't do this anymore."

"Alpha, please calm down. The Alpha has his ways but everyone deserves a lesson. I know he took it too far by trying to seduce your Omega but I will try to talk some sense into him. You need to rest, your arm is pretty messed up and I don't want you stressing out and having it get infected. So please, I'm sending you away for a couple days. I will have Mitch come with you, Avi is adding stress to you and we don't need that." Kevin said,grabbing my hand.

I sighed and tried to relax.

"Kevin, I think I made a decision."

"What's that?"

"In gonna find another pack to be in. I won't be in the Pentatonix Pack anymore."

Alpha?(Scomiche/Pentatonix)Where stories live. Discover now