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Mitch's POV

Thankfully, he fell asleep before anything happened. He was next to me with his arms around my waist and his head in shoulder. I sighed and ran my hands through his hair, he stirred in his sleep and pulled me closer. I played with his lip and his eyes fluttered open. "Hi baby boy." He said quietly. "Hi." I mumble shyly. This feels so weird being with him. But I guess it'll have to do for now since I have no other place to stay.

He played with my hair and pecked my lips quickly. I blushed and his my face. He reminds me so much of Scott, I know he hurt me but every time I see this man I see him. "You want some dinner baby boy? I can make some pasta." He said smiling. "Yes please." I responded. "Alright, go in the closet and find the onesie you want and the paci you want, if you're a good boy at dinner you get dessert." He said ruffling my hair. I smiled and went to my closet. Wow he's got a lot of onesies and baby stuff. This is kinda weird but cool. I can stay in my PJs for a while. I picked a teddy bear onesie and slipped it on. I grabbed a pacifier and skipped downstairs.

(The paci

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(The paci. Lol)

Daddy was setting the food on the table when he saw me. " You look adorable princess." He said with a smile. "Thank you daddy. Um, Daddy I have a question." I said shyly. He gave me a soft smile. "It's okay baby boy, you can ask me anything." I smiled and look down "What's your name and am I allowed to be myself sometimes? Like my normal self" He lifted my chin up. "Baby boy, my name is Allie. And of course you can be your normal self. But let's not worry about that. I'll be right back, I have to make a quick stop. Be a good boy and eat dinner by the time I get back and you'll get a cupcake for snacky time!" He chirped. I do like cupcakes.

"Okay daddy. Be careful." He smiled and gave me a quick kiss before leaving. I grab a bowl and put some pasta in it and begin eating, I finish and wash my bowl out. I flop on the couch and turn on Spongebob. I look at the pacifier in my hand and put it in mouth. This is weird yet cool. I started playing with it and continued watching Spongebob.

Alex's POV

That boy is so cute yet so stupid. He's my little now, and that's all I wanted. Scott can't have him back. But I decided to make a quick stop to Scotties house. I quickly arrived and walked to the door. I knocked and waited a few seconds. Scott opened the door, he looked like he hasn't slept in years.

"Why hello Scottie." I feel a smirk spread across my face.

He was about to throw a punch but stopped himself. "What did you do with my Mitchie?" He asked eyes turning red.

"Oh, Mitch. You mean my little?" I said crossing my arms.  "Mitchie is just fine. My baby boy is doing very well. I have a picture of him if you wanna see." He growled but nodded. I showed him the picture of Mitch asleep. I saw a tear roll down his face, I smirked. "Mitchie is perfectly fine with me. I know you and your little scheme. I haven't done anything to him. Yet." He flinched at my words. I felt his fist ram my jaw. I was enraged.

"Okay that's it! I was gonna give Mitch back after a couple days but you lost that. I wanted you to know how he feels but thanks to you, he will suffer. But he will enjoy it, he's too innocent to understand what I'm doing to him. You will rue the day. You'll rue it!"(sorry, i had to use the nevil reference from icarly)I yelled, stomping to my car.

I took some deep breaths before driving off. Mitch's cupcake. I almost forget. I made a quick turn and headed to Cake In A Cup. I got him a gluten free red velvet cupcake and a chocolate one for myself. I quickly paid and drove home. "Mitchie, I'm home!" I yelled but I got no response. "Mitchie?" I said a little louder. I heard a whimper and ran in the living room. Mitch was laying on the couch, having a nightmare. I set the cupcakes down and held him, he woke up instantly. "I'm sorry daddy please don't hurt me." He said through his paci.

I stroked his hair and gave him a hug. "It's okay baby boy, Daddy's here." His crying died down to sniffles. "I got you a cupcake, did you eat dinner like a good boy?" He nodded and I kissed his forehead. "Good job." I said grabbing his waist lightly. He flinched and giggled. I smirked and he ran. "No tickling!" He yelled. I laughed and ran faster, grabbing him and spinning him. He squealed and laughed in my grasp. I set him on the couch and tickle his sides. He squealed and squirmed, I finally let go.

"You can go eat your cupcake since you've been a good boy, but you should give daddy a kiss first." I said, smirking. He giggled and put his lips on mine our lips moving in sync, I slowly entered my tongue and they danced along each other. He pulled away and went to his cupcake as I felt a tightness in my jeans.

Maybe he can help. Maybe I will do something after all

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